Chapter 6: The hospital

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***Sky's POV***

I was utterly exhausted.

Soccer practice had just ended and it was already seven in the night. Now, I was walking down the dark and isolated sidewalk, my clothes full of sweat and my arms aching as they carried my bag. The wind rustled the trees nearby and i shivered a bit.

I could still feel the high pitch sound from coach's whistle ringing in my ears, and I winced at the thought; I was really not looking forward tomorrow, when I would wake up with so much leg pain I wouldn't be able to walk. I kept walking down the road. The only sound around was the one my sneakers made against the pavement. I was pulling my bag higher on my shoulder when I heard a whimpering sound.

I looked back and pursed my lips; no one was behind me. I heard the sound again, but this time it was more of a wheeze. I fastened my pace to a jog and I heard a chorus of laughs, causing me to start running. I turned on a corner and gasped at the scene I saw. Three girls concealed in trench coats were kicking something on the floor. Or someone.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" I yelled, running towards the girls. They all stiffened and put some hats back on, looking back before they ran off. I ran faster and dropped beside the bruised girl on the floor. It was that red headed girl, Bloom; she was thrown on the floor, her face pale and her eyes closed. I looked all around her and saw that she had bruised marks on her arms.

"Oh God, oh God oh God..." I muttered as I looked around for help.

Hesitantly, I reached over and lifted her head from the back. I felt something weird on my hand, something liquid. Dread grew at the pit of my stomach and I reached my other hand towards her head. I grazed my finger over her skull and when I pulled it up, it was covered in blood. I gasped and rapidly reached into my bag to take my phone out. I quickly dialed 911 and waited impatiently as the phone rang.

"911 speaking, what's your emergency?" the operator asked.

"Hello? Yeah, hi. I just found three people beating someone up and I am currently next to a girl on the floor. There's a lot of blood oozing from her skull and she's unconscious," I said, standing up beside Bloom and pacing back and forth as the operator gave me instructions.

"Alright... Alright. And hurry up, there's a pool of blood near her head," I said hurriedly, looking over to see if there was anyone near that could help.

"Take anything that could help you apply pressure to the wound and slow down the bleeding. An ambulance is on its way," the operator said, hanging up on me.

I put my phone back in my pocket and I threw myself down on the floor, opening my bag to find my t-shirt. I approached Bloom and put my shirt under her head, applying as much pressure as I could without hurting her any further. I bounced in place and looked around as I waited for the ambulance to come. My white shirt was already halfway red when the ambulance came blaring around the corner. My head snapped to the side as the ambulance hurried towards us. It stopped right in front of me and two paramedics flew out of it, pulling a stretcher out with them.

They hurried to where Bloom was and they pushed me away, getting in the position I was and hurriedly grabbing the t-shirt from under her head. They gave it back to me and took her head, moving it around as they examined her.

I stretched out the shirt in front of me and grimaced; the shirt was stained red. I stood up and threw it in a nearby trashcan before going back to where the paramedics were putting bloom out in the stretcher. I followed the paramedics as they pushed her into the ambulance, climbing in after them.

I sat near her head and looked down on her as the two paramedics wrapped her head hurriedly. When they finished, they moved down to where her shirt was, grabbing the hem before pausing and turning towards me.

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