Chapter 11: Ice cream apology

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***Flora's POV***

I kept jogging around the track while looking around at the beautiful nature of the park. Yet, I was too distracted with my own emotions that I didn't notice someone crashing into me. I gasped and fell on my butt, closing my eyes as the pain from my tailbone shot up.

"Oh my gosh Flora, I'm so sorry! I was distracted- oh shoot let me give you a hand," Helia said as he grabbed my arm and hauled me up.

"Are you okay? I didn't see you, I was too distracted by-"

"Nature," I finished his sentence and he chuckled sheepishly. "Yeah, the flowers and plants here are so mesmerizing that I didn't notice you there. I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, really. I was distracted too," I said as I rubbed my aching butt.

It really hurt but I didn't want to let him know.

***Stella's POV***

We were way too worried about Flora running away, so we were frantically looking for her around the park. I felt so bad about making her talk about something she didn't want to. 

"I'm such a bad friend-" Layla shushed me with her hand and pointed towards the jogging track with her other. "Look, there's someone with her," she said.

I started to slow down and once I got a clear view of who it was, I looked at Bloom and she looked at me back. We both abruptly stopped and extended our arms to prevent Musa, Techna, or Layla from going on. The sudden stop caused them to bump into us, but luckily we didn't fall.

"Hey! What was that for?" Musa complained

"Shh. Look over to the jogging track and check out who's with Flora," I said.

The girls' head simultaneously looked over my shoulder and mouthed a big oh. We huddled up so we could talk without them noticing us.

"Let's give these love birds some "privacy"," I said.

"Stella, disgusting. It's not like they're going to attack each other, they're just talking," Bloom said indignantly. I rolled my eyes and signaled them to walk back to our picnic. But as we were walking back, I tugged Techna by the arm and hurried to a bush. The others just followed.

"What are you doing Stella?" she asked.

"Shh, go down. I want to see what happens," I told her, tugging at her arm again.

"But that's spying on them. That's not very nice," she responded, squatting down next to me.

"I do not want to miss his opportunity. Flora never talks to any guy so shut up and- guys come down," I demanded.

They kept talking and laughing and a one point he even touched her arm. It was a serious conversation! I started to cheer and celebrate as silently as I could from the bush. The girls were looking at me like I was crazy, even though I knew they were as happy as me, but I was the only one willing to celebrate it openly.

"OMG. Oh no she won't!" we heard a voice exclaim from the distance. It was Rena, Helia's clingy, psycho ex-girlfriend. I looked at the girls with worry, because I didn't want her to ruin Flora's moment. After a couple of exchanged glances, I nodded with determination. I was going to intervene.

I scurried out of the bush and with the element of surprise at my side, I tackled her, hard. I tried to grab her arms but she moved them around wildly, making it impossible to pin her down.

It seemed like we were on a wrestling match.

Before she could scream and interrupt them, I put my hand on her mouth and with the other, signaled the girls to come and help me. Musa took her belt off and tied it tightly around her mouth, while Layla caught her swiftly and gracefully, like she was trained to do it. I was impressed. She just shrugged and brought Rena captive to the bush and hid there.

"Ow, I think I need that ice pack," I said while rubbing my neck.

"Sorry, it's back at the picnic basket," Bloom apologized.

***Flora's POV***

"Come on, let me at least invite you to some ice cream at my house. I have a whole pint of triple chocolate ice cream for myself," Helia said and touched my arm.

"Okay, you had me at triple chocolate. It's just ice cream, what harm will it do?" I said and turned around to walk with him.


We walked up to the porch and took some keys from under the bush. He opened the door and invited me in.

"Hey mom, I'm home!" he said, throwing his keys on the coffee table and taking his jacket off. I just hesitantly walked inside the house behind him.

Helia look over his shoulder and must have noticed my uncertainty when he turned around. "Sit on the couch; I'll get the ice cream," he said with a small smile.

I smiled back and sat on the edge of the couch nervously. My phone rang and I answered.

"OOH MY GOOOOD!" Stella yelled so loudly I had to separate the phone from my ear and I could still hear her loud and clear.

"Stella, volume..."

"So so so so sorry, but you and Helia! OMG! Girl, you were there with him like you were long lost friends. Where did that burst of confidence come from? Wait! did you kiss?"

"Oh, I don't know I just.... Hey, wait a second. How did you know I was talking to Helia?" I whispered-screamed at her, looking over my shoulder to make sure Helia wasn't looking or hearing.

"I have magical powers...." She said in a creepy, hypnotic tone, trying to sound like a wizard.

"Stella, please tell me. I'm serious," I responded.

"So we were running looking for you cuz we were worried- I'm so sorry for making you uncomfortable by the way- but then I saw you seriously close to him! So we stopped and waited behind a nearby bush. If we, correction, I did not notice it on time we would have barged in on your moment and that would have been awkward. Rena came, but we wrangled her down and Layla tied her up with her own belt. And then I saw him walking with you. So romantic!"

"Stella, don't jump to conclusions. He just offered me some ice cream as an 'I'm sorry' gift because  we tripped... Wait, did you say Rena? Like, ex-girlfriend Rena? My goodness, I could've died," I said with worry that that girl will chew me out as soon as I got back to school.

"We handled her. You get your mans. I'll leave you two alone. Wink, wink, wink," she said.

"Wink all you want Stella but don't expect more than a conversation, bye."

"Whatever you say..." she said and before I could respond, she hung up.

Suddenly, Helia was beside the sofa with a tub of vanilla cake ice cream in his hand, and he startled me. "You scared me!" I said with my hand on my heart.

"Sorry...I couldn't find triple chocolate threat. Do you mind vanilla pound cake?" He said as he handed me the bowl. I smiled back at him. "No I do not," I said as I took the bowl. We ate together in comfortable silence.

"Thank you so much, Helia," I said as I dove into my ice cream some more.

"What for?" he asked.

"Usually when a guy hits me with a ball or trips me, he just asks if I'm okay and keeps on going. But this was a very gentlemanly gesture of yours," I said.

"Oh Flora, of course I worry. It was a pretty hard fall and it was my fault. I should be more attentive when I walk," he said with regret laced in his voice.

"An accident is an accident, don't worry," I responded and found myself placing my hand on his. We both stared down on them and instinctively yanked them apart with nervous chuckles.

"I'm going home, okay? Thank you for that delicious ice cream," I said.

"Yes of course. I'll ummm... i'll walk you to the door," he said as he stood up with me and walked me to the door. "Bye Flora."

"Bye Helia," I said and, with a sudden burst of confidence, I kissed him on the cheek and ran away. He touched his cheek and stared at my retreating figure.

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