Chapter 30: Healing powers

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***Bloom's POV***

Books clutched to my chest, I walked patiently towards the secret vault but with an impatient bounce, like a little girl walking towards the park. I felt giddy and warm inside. I was accustomed to the training and I now enjoyed it. I loved spending time with my sister. I touched the hand and let the fire start enveloping itself around my arms. It felt normal, like I was turning a simple doorknob... just into another realm... through teleportation...

I stepped into the lakeside and dropped my backpack on the floor, then placed my books on top of it. I walked to the edge and waited for Daphne to come.

"Daphne? Are you in there? It's me, Bloom," I said into the lake. Immediately, the little crystal drops flew up and turned into Daphne, who immediately floated to my side and attacked me with a hug I barely felt.

"Bloom! I haven't seen you in three weeks!" her delicate, ghostly voice said.

"I know, I missed you and decided to come for today's lesson," I told her.

"Tell me, what happened?" she asked as she gently pulled on my arm so I could sit down. I sat down cross legged on the edge of the lake and she lowered herself halfway down the water so she could be at the same level as me.

"The girls bailed on me last hour because they had important things to do regarding their sports, clubs, families and such, so I was alone with Sky for two weeks because he had begged me to be his partner before any of the annoying girls asked him. They taught us survival tips over there- the fire one was, of course, very easy," I said with a smile and saw Daphne grin back at me. "Sadly, on the first day, Mirta was attacked with some dark magic so she and Will had to go home..." I said and saw Daphne gasp. "Are they okay?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, Will called me to tell me she was just fine, but needed time to recover. I am yet to see them. So camp went on as usual but one day I got stuck in a cave with Sky because it started to rain- even still, I got sick. The next day I went to the infirmary and this really nice gypsy lady gave me this necklace to make me feel better. Here, look at it," I said, taking it out from the shirt and putting it in my palm to show her.

She drew her eyebrows together and looked at it in suspicion. She closed her eyes and put two fingers on her temples. "I knew something felt wrong. Bloom, that necklace has dark magic. You shouldn't be wearing it. Whoever she was, she was a witch trying to inflict some type of harm on you," she said, reaching over and unfastening the silver locket.

I froze in awe; I didn't even move a muscle as Daphne took the locket in her fist and started to heat it up. I stopped her. "Wait! I really like that locket! Can't you like take out the dark magic?" I asked her.

She looked at me with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry Bloom, but his locket is made out of dark magic. To destroy the magic, I must destroy the object. Don't worry, I'll see if I can make one for you. Perhaps made out of good magic," she said as she tightened her hold on the locket and I saw it melt and disappear.

"I'm glad at least your powers work," I observed with a sad smile.

"Speaking of which, do you wanna know something good about your powers?" she took my hands in her ghostly, gold delicate hands and squeezed them tightly. Instead of pain, I felt some very good energy flow from me. I gasped as her hands and eyes glowed. The glow seeped through to me.

She let me go and opened her eyes. "Roll up your sleeves," I rolled up my sleeves and saw as the last of my fire burns disappeared.

"Daphne! You healed my scars!" I gasped as I frantically touched my arm where the burns were.

"Yes and this is one of the trivial things; you can do that as well. I believe you may be able to do that, but I don't know; your full powers appear once you gain your winx. Here, let's go to the forest and see if we can quickly find some injured animal. It'll be hard, though, these creatures heal quickly," she told me as she emerged from the lake and floated to my side.

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