Chapter 27: Arranged relationship

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(More fun facts:

-Ignio Straffi admits that Helia was going to be a girl at the beginning (hence the long black/grey hair and Greek female name) but was changed so Flora could have a boyfriend. He is older than most of the guys because he dropped out of school for a year to go to an art school but then came back. 

-Timmy is the only one of the guys who isn't buff and/or athletic. 

-Riven used to flirt with the girls Sky liked to make him mad, but really, he tends to be a bit of a lone wolf. )

***Bloom's POV***

I gasped "I'll be right there!" I exclaimed before hanging up and running towards my bike. I hastily threw my bag in the basket and unlocked it as fast as I could. As soon as I put the lock away, I got into the bike and stormed off towards the mall. When I arrived I threw my bag over my shoulder and called Stella as I headed towards the outside tables. She immediately picked up. "Bloom, we're by the bushes, near the entrance."

"Got it," I responded and hung up.

I immediately spotted them and ran towards the table. I jammed myself between Flora and Layla and hugged Layla as tight as I could. She, however, just kept crying with her face buried in between her arms.

"What happened...?" I whispered as I rubbed Layla's back comfortingly.

"Let her tell you when she feels better," Stella said as she looked sadly at Layla. Layla sniffed and lifted her head, only to reveal a pain and tear stricken face. "My parents... they...I knew they were like this but..." her face twisted in pain and she started sobbing once again.

I kept rubbing her back. "Shh... it's okay Layla, we're here for you. Take your time," I comforted her. "Umm..." I put my bag in my lap and looked for something to give her, to cheer her up. "Want a cookie?" I asked, taking out the cookie they had given us today when they picked us up from the riverside. Layla calmed down a bit but didn't make any move to accept the cookie. Musa, on the other hand, leaned over and grabbed the cookie from my hand.

Layla sniffed. "They went too far this time!" she cried a bit more, "they are so damned traditional! Why don't they just leave me alone!" she asked in hysteria, turning to me. She turned back to face the rest of the girls. "This might sound ridiculous or stupid or childish, but my parents just ruined my life..." she declared.

"How?" Tecna asked from in front of me.

"Two words: Arranged. Marriage," Layla stated. The girl's faces, mine included, went pale. My mouth hung open just a bit and I gaped at her.

"They organized one with a very rich and influential family from where I come but behind my back! They already have it ready and expect me to meet him soon. So literally, they just ripped away one of the last free things I had in life and made it worse. I now have to spend the rest of my life with some snobby rich kid who probably doesn't even appreciate women!" She screamed and sobbed more.

My eyes widened at the depth of the situation.

My parents wouldn't have done that, right?

You have to find them first, Bloom...

I shook out my thoughts and concentrated on Layla. "Do you know anything about him?" I asked. She sniffed and shook her head. "No. all I know is that I have to meet him soon... Oh wait. Yes, I know his name," she said, using the back of her hand to wipe the tears away.

Flora leant closer. "Well, tell us," she said.

She spoke in a very shaky voice. "He has a very weird name. His name is Nabu."

***Sky's POV***

Tyson and I were at the basketball court. Honestly, I just wanted to go home, unpack, and have the biggest nap of the break. "Dude, what'd you want me here for? Aren't you tired?" I asked him, dumping my bag on the bleachers and taking out a bottle of water.

Tyson produced a ball out of one of his bags. "Not now. My parents decided to ruin that for me as well," he said as he dribbled the ball, "they have seriously pissed me off this time. They told me I have to meet her soon. And no escaping. Man, my life stinks. I can't be a normal person without my parents coming and screwing it with their old-school traditional ways," he said, clenching his jaw and running full speed to the basket on the other side of the court. He ran and slam dunked the ball into the basket.

My eyebrows shot up and I put the cap again on the bottle.

I could tell he was beyond pissed.

I stood up and grabbed the ball that was bouncing my way. "Let's calm down Tyson. I know this sucks but let's calm down," I said as I walked to his pissed and panting figure.

"Dude! They just signed my declaration of Un-freedom! She's probably going to be one of those nagging little daddy's girl. I hate it!" he exclaimed, pulling at his hair. "I want to find my own girl, man! I want to have my own life!"

I pursed my lips and tried to think. "Well, we don't know yet, she might not be. Let's see... what's her name?" I asked him. He took the ball from my hands and shot it at the basket. He turned to me once it went through. "Her name is Aisha. Pretty weird name, Arabian I think," he said, jogging towards the ball.

"You know who I would have imagined you would end up with? Layla, Bloom's friend. I mean from what I've seen, she's pretty cool and real," I said, throwing back at him the ball he passed me.

"Really? I really didn't think about it... but whatever, what does it matter now? I'm forced into an arranged relationship," he said, dribbling the ball and shooting it once again in the basket. He scored again.

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