Chapter 4: fire in the volcano

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I had no explanation for Sky's behavior towards me. It's not like he was the jerkiest nor the cockiest guy alive, but it was weird how he would help a nobody like me when everyone else treated him like a king. And of course I thought that all of that worship had gone to his head, but I was proven horribly wrong.

I let it go and walked over to my locker, where my backpack was thrown on the floor; my rush to get to the library hours earlier made me dump it there. I picked it up and slung it over my shoulder, walking over to where my bike was parked outside. I put my backpack in the basket and unlocked the bike from the bike stand.

I rode home in silence and went directly to my bedroom, not even checking if my parents were asleep. Not bothering to change my clothes, I threw myself in bed and fell asleep.

But while I was sleeping, I had a very weird dream.

I was in the frozen Domino, but I was not alone. Stella, Flora, Musa, Techna, and Layla were there. We were looking up to the sky with some kind of ski bikes on our sides. Brandon, Sky, Tyson, Timmy, Riven, and Helia were climbing up the mountain when a gigantic bird took off from under them and took the guys along with it. We all screamed and Techna led us to some kind of air ship, where we took off in the air and rescued the guys. After the guys were safely on the ship, they gave us all a huge hug and Timmy took over the ship along with Techna. We flew over to the secret library at the top of the mountain and entered the main hall. The book was there, the book titled Domino, the same one from the library. An old, ghostly man came out of the book and, after a warm greeting, told us everything Daphne had told me about my family and my past. I originally wasn't paying attention to what he was saying, but then he started talking about the new company of light, the one who would free Domino from the hands of the Ancestral Witches...

Suddenly I woke up gasping for air, not being able to bare the dream anymore. I looked around with my hand on my heart and tried to calm down. I looked at my bedside table and the clock read 10:34 am.

Goodness gracious, that was one weird dream! I thought as I calmed down my breathing.


Beep beep beep! the alarm clock sounded and I groaned as I rolled over to turn it off. 5:30 am in the morning was so not my usual wake up time.

Grudgingly, I stood up from my bed and walked over to my windows to open up the curtains; the sun hadn't even come out yet. I groaned and walked to my closet, where my bag was placed with all of the stuff necessary inside of it. I took it out of my closet and threw it on the bed blindly, not even checking if it had even landed on the bed.

I went over to my dresser and put my earrings on, yawning loudly as I did so. I brushed my hair and picked it up in a very sloppy braid, rolling my eyes at how messy it looked. My mom came into the room and knocked on the open door, causing me to look back from the bathroom and wave at her.

"Hey mom," I said to her, throwing my towel on my bed.

"Hey sweetie, are you ready for the trip?" she asked me, sitting down on my bed and looking up to me while I finished packing my stuff up.

"Ready as i'll ever be...." I sighed, zipping up my bag and swinging it on my shoulder.

"Well, you have to go down and eat breakfast; we have to leave to the school soon," she said, standing up and walking to the door. I followed behind her and closed the door behind me. We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, where my mom had breakfast ready. I dumped my bag on the floor and sat on a stool while waiting for my mom to serve me breakfast.

"Here you go sweetie," mom said, putting a plate of toast and eggs in front of me.

"Thanks mom," I smiled at her and dug in. She sat across me and ate her food as well.

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