Updates. (Final!)

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Alright. This is the final "updates" chapter- and the rest are most likely going to be deleted, sorry for everyone who left comments on them- where I announce that What Makes a Hero has begun posting. (Today!) Thanks for sticking out the several months wait, and I hope you enjoy the book.

I got a bit stuck on how to start the sequel (still sort of am, but progress is now being made) so unfortunately it will be a prequel that eventually ends at around the same time Pantomath does to lead into the sequel. So at most there's going to be three books in this series (not including any one shots like Only Human).

For those of you who read this and decide not to continue or decide later on not to, it's been fun, thanks for sharing this story with me!

For those of you who do continue on, promise I've got some surprises left in store, and I can't wait to restart posting. Welcome back!

You're all awesome, but you also probably aren't here for my rambling commentary so, in short, Thanks a million for your time, encouragement and absolutely hilarious/wonderful commentary! (...And especially those of you who've helped correct my grammar)



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