Chapter 8:

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(An: Trigger Warning, mentions of bullying and suicide,)

    It turned out he shouldn't have worried so much about being caught absent, it had been hours since he had returned and not one person had set foot in the room, honestly if he didn't know Eraserhead and Present Mic had been just lightly injured in the fight, he would have worried. He'd already made sure Jin (with Katsuo) went to retrieve Aire from the nurses, after reminding them at least six separate times to say his name was Kobayashi instead of Tanaka. That would have been bad, especially considering the recent attack.

   Despite his attempt at alertness, his mind was soon wondering off to sleep, the adrenaline wearing off far to quickly for his tastes. His quickly healing (Thank evolution for healing quirks) wounds adding a throbbing melody now that the effects of the pain medications were fading with the adrenaline that seemed to lull him even more into the grips of an uneasy sleep.

    "What do yo.... to tell m..... ople don't just...." A commotion in the hallways snapped him from the haze he had fallen into.

    Sliding off the bed only to wince as he felt the weight of his whole body press on his badly burned feet, now without the numbing help of the painkillers. With a slight cry he crumbled to the ground, barely able to manage to contain the sound of his yelp as he landed on his burnt side as his sluggish mind prevented him from twisting to divert his fall onto the other side in time.

     The door slammed open despite the ongoing feeble protests of one of the hospital's nurses in the background.  Even with adrenaline beginning to course through his veins at the thought of the unknown person, with his completely vulnerable position sprawled on the floor, unable to move, even with the pain making itself fully known again and sending black spots through his vision and blood pounding in his ears- even with all of this- Midoriya Izuku once more found his vision fading as he passed out. Vaguely he found himself wondering if that meant he would have to explain himself more or less for his possible absence. If he woke up as he thought he would, with painkillers polluting his bloodstream to high heaven he certainly hoped it would be the latter.... He actually wasn't sure anymore how well he could lie at the moment. That was a first in a really, really long time.

      Deku stood in a far too familiar surrounding... or rather not so much stood as looked over. Before  him was, in all its souls-stealing glory, his middle school campus (he had gone back to it after he had begun his 'practice'. After all, how could he help others if he couldn't face a small building, he'd made a point of night. But that didn't matter, it still counted for something, at least to him). But that wasn't what caught his attention about the scene it was the four boys that stood off to one side that did. But most notably, the shortest one who stood before the four and faced them.

    Just as he knew there had once been a sixth  person he knew what the lone student was going to say, "That wasn't very nice Kacchan! You shouldn't use your quirk to hurt others!" 

    "What would you know you useless Deku, you don't even have one!" Explosions punctuated the lead boy's words as they leaped from his palms, the three behind him likewise smirking, their own quirks at the ready.  As if he could ever dream of getting past Kacchan to reach them. So he stood at the ready, braced for whatever they threw at them, because even while still in elementary school, he knew he stood no chance. And that no one would reach out to help him. 

     "Still! You can't be a very good hero if you're always attacking others!"

     "What was that I'm going to be the very best hero! Better than even All Might and nobody is going to get in my way, much less you!" The blonde haired boy charged then with the others soon following, one going as far as to dump out his eye-catching yellow backpack out on the sidewalk. It was just his luck that the one book he'd have given anything for it not to happen to- the only one that was irreplaceable- was the one to slide to rest at Kaachan's feet.

Pantomath Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora