Chapter 31:

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       Life was busy in the next few weeks for one Izuku Midoriya, but it was preferable to the panic of the last one. His identity was more than just common knowledge- he had his own fan merchandise now for crying out loud. And while he may have enjoyed it not all that long ago, being known for 'saving the whole of Hosu' or as 'A hidden hero with a heart as wide as his knowledge', now, now he could only see it as yet another obstacle standing in his way. He was unable to conduct his work in peace with all the attention he garnered from just walking one step outdoors and discreet meetings were completely out of the question.

If all that wasn't enough, UA continued to harass him. At first it was their usual 'gentle' persuasion, but bit by bit he could feel them poking deeper into his records to try and find something they could tug on. Whether that loose string unraveled everything he had worked hard to build for himself in order to help others with or sent him tumbling into their grasp again didn't seem to matter to them- and he knew they wouldn't have to dig far before they found it.

Eri's forged papers. His forged papers. His forged emancipation. Jin's forged birth certificate. Jin's forged papers. Cogitatio's hobby. Katsuo's family. Katsuo's délicate past. The Johnson's even more delicate past. There were any number of strings in the web of lies which he rested upon that could send him tumbling in every which way and yet still he couldn't bring himself to employ the blackmail. It wasn't right to use innocents like that, even when said innocents were part of the corporation dead set on dragging him into the midst of their mindless hoard. He'd become what he had to help people, he wouldn't be that anymore if he used it to hurt people. Any way it went Deku would be destroyed, tainted by the wrongdoing, chained to UA, or worse.

He'd struggle for as long as he could before he fell into the pit, but he knew his days as a free agent were limited. So he enjoyed them as well as he could despite his struggles. In between burning the precious files he had so painstakingly compiled he would spoil 'Re, his precious little sister. And when he wasn't tying up loose ends with other informants and transferring favors he was talking with Katsuo. The informants gave him pitying looks and we're quick to distance themselves, always being especially cautious. They knew what was going on, and he had to wonder if that was why they never tried to stand out, because if they did they would be separated from the herd and thus vulnerable to both sides. It didn't matter any longer. As he double checked that  all of his assets were in position and where he wanted them he cooked with Cogitatio. It was a peaceful lull in the storm, it could maybe even be considered nice, but it wouldn't last. He knew it. He hated it, but there was nothing to be done. He wouldn't run.

Within the month Cogitatio- the only one of them who had a chance in winning- braced themselves, buckling down to prepare for the fight of all of their lives. A custody battle for one Chisaki Eri. Izuku couldn't help the sneer that formed on his face. Eri was never and would never be related to that-. Not one of them had high hopes that he would be able to win. Not when he was placed to fight for custody against Sir Nighteye himself, not when he didn't already have custody. But there was nothing else they could do but fight with everything they had against the odds, especially once they saw how terrified she was of the hero.

She didn't like strangers and appearance wise, behavior wise when in public, and his cleaning habits all reminded her of Overhaul. She had been saved by cheery, nervous, talkative, Deku and for the most part is friend's were like him in these aspects- they were open and welcoming and above all expressive when it came to their mannerism. To her they had felt like home from the first time she spoke with them. Each had tiny ticks and traits that reminded her of her personal hero- Izuku. Each made themselves easy enough to read to her, she knew when they were happy, when they were annoyed. The pro hero was not like that he was straight to the point and intimidating and seemed to never tell anyone what he was thinking in that moment. He was quiet. Strict. And at most times Eri struggled to get a read on him. To her, she was unfamiliar and scary. Yes the hero shared some traits with her big brother, like Izuku he was always calculating his next move, but it wasn't the same as her family. He was scary.

Seconds from what seemed like the hero's inevitable victory Izuku used up both of his two favors and got Cogitatio full custody of her. He already knew what was going to come next.

As he expected the reprieve didn't last and within the week Cogitatio was once again bracing to do battle in court against the heroes as this time UA took a more direct approach. It was likely the reason they went after Eri in the first place, because they knew he would always do anything for her, even if it meant using up his insurance policy that he had won from helping UA vet students. All so that she would be comfortable and home. He knew Nezu knew he wouldn't use his blackmail either, not if he was using decent heroes as his personal puppets.

So he did the only thing that he could do, made a few calls, and finally sold himself. For the second year of high school, one Kobayashi Izumi would be going to UA academy, but his medical decisions would be all be made by Cogitatio or Ito Katsuo. There was nothing else to be done for it.

He lowered his head in defeat, alone in the room he had so carefully crafted with his own two hands for the very last time in a long while- ownership had been passed to Katsuo long ago. Cogitatio and Katsuo were the only ones without any obvious things they could be attacked for now and as Cogitatio was taking care of Eri, Katsuo was taking ownership of the properties Deku held. Katsuo may not have any standing offense, but his record wasn't squeaky clean, he would have stood even less of a chance then Cogitatio had. He felt with some cruelty at least he had made it infinitely clear to the world that he had been pressured into this, he would have an escape route open when he was finally out of their control.



"You- I can't let you- don't..."

Deku only then turned to face the other, tracks of black 'tears' ran down Jin's face in large gooey tracks, their eyes were unobscured by sunglasses for once, showing the vulnerable look that was plastered onto their face- he knew no one else would be able to recognize it though, if Jin's quirk was good for anything it was masking any emotion into one that could inspire fear. He looked like he had just crawled straight from a horror movie to murder the audience, Izuku knew what it hid though. Izuku- no. Izumi offered a weak smile, standing up and brushing himself off.

"I know." And he did, the words the other could not say, he and Jin always had been able to understand each other like that. "Watch over everything for me, and take care of each other no matter what."

Jin smiled weakly back, "I'll hold down the fort."

"Good. I'll be back soon then, until then." Izumi smiled through his lies. They both knew he wasn't coming back, as far as it mattered Deku was as dead as Izuku Midoryia.

"Until then."

Izumi didn't look back as he walked out to the car waiting to take him to UA with a worn yellow bag slung over his shoulder. It was almost ironic he fought so hard to not go to the place he would have killed to go to not even ten years before. He couldn't find it in himself to laugh, so instead he forced a bright, cheerful smile even as he felt a piece of himself die inside. He shoved that part deep down, he could act, he would stay strong for 'Re, they would be keeping an eye on him he was sure.
         Sorry it's so short this time.

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