Chapter 2:

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Okay so I'm fairly confident I can manage posting chapters once a week on Mondays, so you can expect updates sometime around then, but I am making no promises here, anyway, thank you and feel free to make any suggestions to help me improve my writing or whatever else. Enjoy!

     The days passed quickly, but this time Izuku kept an eye on the time and after three days he decided it was as good a time as any and set about locking up the building- a surprisingly difficult task, or not surprising considering what it stored- he headed to the back room to tell Eri. When he found her, she was standing staring up at the fridge and her drawing.

"'Re, how do you feel about visiting UA today?"

She startled but grinned at him, "Really?! Let's go, this will be so fun!" She grabbed her red messenger bag from the hook stuffing in a rainbow of art supplies and her new sketchbook to join the mess of stuff she kept there.

"All set then?"

"Mhmm." She nodded.

"Not forgetting anything at all then?"

"No, don't think so."

"Not even outside clothes?" She glances down at her light green pajamas before rushing off to grab her clothes, slamming the bathroom door behind her.


Izuku couldn't help the smile on his face as he gathered his stuff as well,  grabbing Eri's brightly colored, plastic watch and the hair brush she had inevitably forgotten on the table again.

"Ready!" The door banged again as Eri rushed out dressed for the day in leggings and a blue jumper with a light pink collared shirt underneath. "We can go now, right,Izu?"

Izuku waved the brush back and forth in the air, "Not quite, you forgot to brush your hair again didn't you?"

"Can you do it?" Eri have her best puppy dog eyes, "it always hurts when I try."

"Of course," Izuku pulled out a chair for her, "you just need more patience and practice so you don't tug the snags so hard."

"Here!" Eri victoriously handed him a hair band as he gently pulled the brush through her pale, powder blue hair. Pulling back the front strands, he tied them back so they formed a small pony tail amongst the rest that he kept down- keeping the hair from easily falling into her face. Carefully he set a sparkly flower pin beside her single horn and handed her the watch so she could put it on.

"All set,"

"Now can we go, right?"

Deku chuckled, "yes, we're all ready now."

The journey to the train station wasn't too far and they made it to UA in time for school to get out- the students pouring through the gates in a rush to head home or to whatever activities they had planned. Carefully, Izuku selected a a nearby cafe for them so that they could wait for the crowd to lessen both enjoying their sweets as Eri asked about the pedestrians' lives. (Deku made a point to 'deliberate' long enough they wouldn't hear his guesses if they were nearby, that would make for an awkward conversation)

"Thank you, have a nice day!"

Once the rush ended they paid and left heading to the gates and pressing the visitor button which garnered them more than a few looks. Deku readjusted his hood self consciously to cover his face (and the half-mask on it) better. It was lucky that it was getting cold out or they would definitely look suspicious, as both of them wore jackets with the hoods pulled on. Beside him Eri chattered on excitedly between bites of her pastry.

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