Chapter 12:

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He woke again from a peaceful, dreamless sleep (that part he was insanely grateful for) in the familiar spare room of Jin's bar, "The First Full Moon" (an: it refers to January's full moon the wolf's/old full moon sometimes called the spirits moon) although everyone always called it Moonshine Bar. Jin had given up long ago and had the nickname added underneath the original name, to Katsuo's joy. (Deku wasn't fully sure Katsuo was innocent in the name change, Jin would swear Katsuo was 100% guilty).

    As Deku quietly soaked in the familiar surroundings he focused on his mind, finding to his relief that it wasn't foggy with drugs despite the lack of pain.  He vaguely recalled seeing the two somewhat familiar heroes and being woken...?  Ugh, why did he bother...

   His eyes lit on a brand new phone- the same style and version of his old one resting on the table, an upright card read 'call me' in bright green writing shadowed in pink near identical to the one by the bell in his own house. He groaned going through his new phone checks for tracking and other less desirable things for an information gatherer, even if he knew he'd find nothing, before he dialed the lone number, "Hey there Jin, miss me so much you had to kidnap me?"

   "Damn how'd you know about that, Dekiru?"

    "Well I definitely do now."

    "So cruel, hold still, I'm headed up, it's nine in the morning so I have another hour before I open...need anything?"

    "No... how long was I asleep?"

    "Er, well about that... it's been a week! I'm really sorry to not ask you but you were so out of it and you couldn't move or even recognize Aire or me! And oh god, Dekiru, the doctor we got you to said you were going to have permanent damage if not for his quirk and and and I-I.... I... I'm so so so sorry Dekiru, I failed you, I should have kept a better eye on the underground ongoings, I knew you needed a break, it's- I,"

    "It's okay, Jin, hey, there you are." Izuku gave Jin his biggest smile as the other appeared in the doorway. The other rushed towards him gently pulling him into a hug as they kneeled at the bedside.

    "We made sure to do better this time,"

   "You did nothing wrong, you had all my files sorted so that I could easily find what I needed, and wrote reports when you filled in for me summarizing alongside the recordings.  You even turned in some of the analysis when need be,"

    Jin was in tears now, "Leading you straight off to run to your death,"

    "But I'm not dead, I'm right here, I'll always be here, besides if you place blame on anyone but the one who did it or coerced someone else to you take it from the one responsible. Remember?"

    "Always quoting that mysterious mentor of yours..." they laughed weakly, that was a win right?

    "You know it, between you and me it's because I haven't learned it yet either,"

    "That'll be our secret then,"

    "Just wait until they show up..." Deku spent the next while slumped in the pillows with Jin nearby, he made a point about talking about the equivalent to them of nothing at all.  It was worth every second as Jin pulled himself together looking like a weight and a half had left his shoulders.

    Finally the other spoke up, "We did make sure to keep on top of your stuff, although I doubt it was as well as you could have done, you know,"

    "I've seen the work you guys do when you put you're heads together, you guys give the pros I'm up against a run for their money,"

   "We did learn from the best...Aire is off with the Johnson sisters- something about having a womanly presence in her life..."

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