Chapter 20:

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Look at me updating on time, now that's something you don't see enough. -T.A.L.A.

Having gone to bed extra early for him, he found himself rising long before the sun (he had managed to get in a solid three hours of sleep in, more than usual) and quickly began searching for things to do to occupy his time; completing his homework, what little he could do for his information services while still being contained at UA, straightening up the room, doing the laundry, and performing a few simple exercises to keep himself in shape, before he succumbed to the need to do something and ventured outside the dorm. In his well rested; and therefore stir crazy, state he chopped up some fruit for breakfast, made a simple rice dish to go with it, and took the food upstairs for Aries.

By then it was roughly when they both usually woke up when at home and the sound of the opening of the door chased away the loosening grip of sleep for Aries. They spent the next few minutes in peace, eating with just the two of them, and relaxing before they replaced their masks on and Hideki could no longer randomly spout more about someone's life story then he had any right to know and Eri couldn't make her own guesses and give her too well formulated, both for her age and based off how much information she should have available to her, opinions about all the heroes and people they met.

Izuku would be the first to say he wasn't the best judge of character; he tended to see everyone as inherently good even with his experiences, but he did have enough information on most people he met to make that not matter as much. He could simply predict their future actions and then the morality of them or intentions behind it didn't matter. Eri however, even without his information tended to be able to correctly judge others on first impressions- some people she felt safe to chatter on to or tease and others she would avoid like the plague.

Once they had finished eating and gone downstairs to return the plates and silverware- Izuku carrying the dishes with Eri quietly chattering about the latest art project online school had given her and how she was going to make the 'bestest painting ever' and how it would have glitter (Izuku internally winced knowing as soon as said glitter was opened, the room would never be the same again) and unicorns and all sorts of pretty flowers- they still had a few minutes before Izuku had to start worrying about not making it to class in time, but the quiet of the morning was over with the first of their dorm mates making the trek downstairs and the few early risers (Iida) who had gotten up heading back in from the outside where they had been stretching.

With an internal sigh, Hideki headed up the stairs snagging the lunch bento he had made for Aire with a few ice packs. Once his sister was all set to study for the remainder of the morning and they had said their goodbyes he left heading to the classrooms at a steady jog.

From there the first half of classes slid by as he absently did the homework through the lectures and counted down until lunch would begin. Time passed by at a snails' pace while he sat in his bored daze and until it was finally lunch time. After carefully packing up he began the trek back to the dorms, Fumikage deciding to accompany him.

    He'd forgotten how tedious school was. And all in all Friday was shaping up to be what could be considered a normal, peaceful even, day at UA- that really should have been his first clue.

"Hideki, you have to help me!"

"I'm sorr- Wait- What do you-" he forced himself to stutter uncertainly rather than follow his instincts and quickly shove the other into the nearest room, shut the door, and ever so quietly see how he should help.

"Get back here! That is disrespectful to all of the heroes and other students who have attended this great school! You can't just-". Realizing the situation as he heard the class rep before he turned the corner, Hideki followed his new instincts... and smoothly turned to the side- bringing the person clinging onto him with him- and shoved Denki Kaminari out the window.

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