Chapter 25:

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Deku stood before Nezu's desk, in UA for the last time as a student, in one hand he held a plain folder stuffed full of papers, photographs, reports, and other pieces of information with little brightly colored sticky notes annotating a clear path through the madness in dark blue ink. He had made it confusing on purpose in what would seem a slightly spiteful, but in the end cooperative move- as would be expected of him seeing as he had been somewhat forced into the role of spy. Eri was the one who had wrote out the sticky notes. It worked out pretty well for them as it would direct the heroes through the information in a way that would- hopefully -end well for their plan and make things difficult for them to act against those named. In his other hand he held a small flash drive that swung lazily from the chain he was dangling it on by his finger. He offered the folder out.

"As promised, a list of everyone I could find with provable ties to the League in class 1-A as well as- as a bonus- their roles and reasons for joining. I have the proof, of course, to back these claims with me as well, which is here in this flash drive and this folder with the names. That was the part I agreed to with the promise of considering to continue my work with you at the end. I have considered but, I'm afraid I must decline." Nezu twitched, mildly surprised, but also having expected this ever since the sports festival, "As you might have figured out by now I have more pressing matters to attend to at the moment. I can assure you; however, there is at least one more spy in 1-A that no one on that list knows about. They were probably kept secret as a fail safe along other reasons..." He paused collecting his thoughts, "oh, and 'Re added her own work in there as well as an extra."

    He had been particularly proud of that, having most of the morning's to herself and hearing some of the older girls complain when they thought she couldn't hear she had taken initiative. It hadn't been very difficult, in fact Mineta had made it very easy for her to gather evidence. The older girls had unknowingly made it more difficult than he had as they even subjected themselves to his attentions to keep him from her. Three past suspensions for improper conduct, photos of his continued harassment and improper behavior at UA. He was as good as expelled. Deku would publish it all himself, naturally, if UA didn't take action.

Principal Nezu sighed eyeing Deku over his cup of tea, the boy had not been fairing well since the sports festival. His eyes which had held small smudges under them signaling a light sleep depreciation were now weighed down by dark bags that instead spoke of mere minutes of sleep since then. The hair he could see beneath the hood hung limply and although the clothes were clean they showed all the subtle signs of being put on in a rush. Of course it's not as if he had looked much better before coming to UA, although he was more presentable, he had still shown signs of forgetting to eat and not sleeping as much as he should, but he definitely seemed more tired than before now. If anything his time at UA had been good for him.

"I don't suppose there is any way I can convince you to continue your work here?"

"No, like I said, I have more pressing matters to deal with."

Nezu sighed again, he had at least needed to try to keep him around, he had done in weeks what they had struggled with for years- UA always struggled with spies and villains in their campus despite having the extensive background checks on everyone from faculty to students and state of the art security even before the League of Villains got involved. Deku's quirk really was amazing it seemed, maybe he should try again later. "Very well, please don't hesitate if you reconsider, at the very least you could make a fine staff member,"

"Thank you, but like I said before, I'm not a hero and besides they don't tend to like me..."

Footsteps sounded outside the door before it loudly burst open revealing Present Mic and a more nervous All Might in his smaller form a few steps behind him, (quietly Deku pulled his hood up a bit further so it covered his hair all the way, trusting the three-quarters mask to hide the rest of his face).

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