Chapter 18:

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Guess who's back!
     Anyways, fair warning, you knew that I was going to make some spies in class 1-A.... well here they are, but I am making the back stories divert from canon a fair amount so it's semi-au ish, I have nothing against these characters, the characters I made spies were picked basically at random. Oh, and it gets a little bit dark here.... errr, a lot bit.
Not all that sorry,

Ps. Sorry for the long note, thank you all for your patience in both this and waiting for the update. As well as for those who pointed out a few mistakes I had in earlier chapters- I think I've fixed them. Hopefully.... any a ways, without further ado;

In the end, Deku managed to sprint from the dorms to classroom 1-A with just enough time to launch himself into his seat before the bell rang. Of course all that effort was wasted when the class waited a full three minutes before the home room teacher arrived. But hey, that just means they didn't know he was almost late to class and saved him some trouble... although it's not like he actually had to make a good first impression, Eraserhead already knew him from Present Mics repeated attempts at befriending him and Eri.

Class passed slowly for Izuku and he found himself tuning out more often than not as he had already learned all of this stuff before, instead mentally reciting all the work that was no doubt piling up and counting the sleepless nights he would be having. He was at three weeks no sleep if it concluded within the next five months. That was wishful thinking, of course, but he had faith that his friends would knock out at least a little of the necessary tasks while he was busy and who knows? Maybe he could work something out where he doesn't have to do the homework, without his new peers knowing naturally, so he'd have more time to deal with the immediate issues. Oh! Or maybe he can start dropping 'accidental' hints about having a secret lover or friend or something outside of UA who was against his current situation, but it was out of both their hands... by saying he didn't actually want to be a hero he wouldn't necessarily oust himself from the rest of the class, but it would make him more alluring for the spy. Maybe show some more of his short temper and hav-

"Hey, Hideki, can you believe we weren't told about the sports festival until now? I'm soooo nervous! Like all the other classes have a head start on training already!" A bright pink girl with sharp horns stood in front of his desk grinning, no doubt the lunch bell had just rung.

Izuku quickly covered the unimpressed look he wanted to give her considering the UA sports festival was The most televised and watched event. "It is a bit nerve wracking, I guess... Ashido, right?"

"Yep! You got it! Are you joining us for lunch today, I kow you missed yesterday or at least I didn't see you."

"I have to get Aries first, younger siblings, you know? Never know what their going to get up to."

"Alright see you there then, I really like your guys' hair by the way, super cool!"

"Thanks!" Deku grinned half heartedly at her, "it's okay I guess... I like your hair more though."

Truthfully he preferred her eyes, but, he mentally shrugged, this fit more with his sob story he would have to slowly reveal if the spy didn't come to him soon enough.

Exiting the room shortly after she left, Deku paused in the hall as his phone rang, the consistent feeling of being observed that he had felt since the very beginning when he first stepped foot into the UA in disguise prickly uneasily at the back of his head, he flipped it open and answered. He quickly tapped twice on the speaker as he did so.


"How are you fairing?" Izuku couldn't help but relax just slightly, slumping back against the wall and sliding down it at Jin's familiar voice. He wouldn't admit it, but he already missed the other and his frequent visits... and he was just so tired... "are you sure you still want to do this, I can find a way to pull you out if you really need me to..."

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