Chapter 28:

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Okay, so the chapter is late, but I've been super busy with stuff other than Wattpad, and (contrary to what I believed last week) I was, in fact, able to post. Anyway, enjoy.

      Deku mentally underlined emotionally unstable and unpredictable in Shigaraki's file that he had memorized as said villain ranted angrily, sent off on a tangent, "You. You dared steal all my effort! What sort of useless npc are you? That was my place!"

He'd been tied to the chair since before he'd woken up, which was at least a half hour ago and it was wearing at him. Shigaraki has spent the whole time trying to loom over him, while not far in the shadows an older villain, Muscular, leered at him making not so subtle threats, both physically and verbally, about painfully ripping him apart bare handed or otherwise violently killing him. Emphasis on the not so subtle there. He wasn't even sure the villain knew who he was since he had not once used their name in the threats or commented on his profession.

The two were trying too hard to be more than unnerving which made Kurogiri a welcome change as he stood calmly behind the bar absently wiping a cup as he observed the farce of an interrogation. Heck, Izuku had accidentally spilled more on the walk here even though the drugs were still in his system. He'd had more opportunity to speak.

The villain in front of him stopped talking again to give him his second chance to speak up and save himself from Muscular's poorly threatened torture (he could make much better threats and he didn't look threatening). Still he had to say something if he was to get out of this and speaking a whole lot about very little wasn't all that difficult for him even when he could only tell the truth, after all, he was an informant.

    "You think I wanted to be on tv? I'm an informant! My job's difficulty multiplies the more attention I gain. Like really, I might have to actually close up shop for a few years to wait this out. What am I even supposed to do during that time? And how did they decide to put me as the main story anyway? Like 'oh hey, this all new, historically speaking never before seen coalition of highly trained and skilled murderers has formed and nearly destroyed a whole city leaving damage that will take months to even clear up much less rebuild! That right there is some quality news, but Oh?! What was that? An informant shot one of the agents of mass destruction they hand made using who knows what methods and deployed on the city? Hey, let's tell this nobody's life story instead! That right there is what we call breaking news!' Like, come on, I wasn't the one doing illegal things, my weapons were registered for self defense and public carry. Nor did I kill anyone. Where on Earth did they come up with that plan from?! Like what are they on? Probably a lot more than whatever the heck you gave me that's for sure."

It seemed he should add emotionally unpredictable to his own file too.

"And what about all those times helping the heroes?"

It had been a good three or four hours since he had been kidnapped and he was doing his best to walk the delicate tightrope that was being honest while not setting off Shigaraki so much that he wound up as a pile of dust on the floorboards. It seemed he wasn't doing too good on either count as he was often stretching the truth at best and he had wound up, once more, with four fingers threateningly gripping his neck. But he was alive, and that counted for something.

"They. Are. Blackmailing me! They completely twisted my arm to get me playing bloodhound for them! And don't think you've fooled me either with your spies by the way."

    That got the other to jerk the hand a little away from his throat. He continued on, there was no stopping while you were ahead in this situation, "I mean yeah, I won't sit around while people are getting hurt, but I want nothing to do with this cat fight! Just look where it winds up with me being! I am quite literally a strong breath away from death, a thumbs width from death. A fucking sneeze from either of us or maybe even one of them and I'm dead. A sudden noise? Probs dead. You think this is fun for me? Put some god damned three fingered gloves on and then maybe we'll talk about fun! Or maybe remove at least three fingers from my jugular! Look I just want to be there for my special people and help out wherever and whoever I can, without dealing with all those egotistical assholes or lying do gooders, but currently? That's society, so I deal."

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