Chapter 3:

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      "Oh, hello...Todoroki."

Deku couldn't help the nervous glance he sent Eri who had unconsciously tensed at the newcomer's threatening tone.

     "What brings you here? I thought I made it clear I had no interest in your proposal."

"And I think now that you're trapped out in the open you should... reconsider, that is, before I make you."

"I must say, Todoroki," he made a point to use his family name instead of his hero name, a not exactly secret rebellion he made to spite the other when there was not much he could actually do against the man. Being the number two hero did have its advantages, but in the week he had known the hero he had already begun making plans. There was not much he could actually do now. Without too incriminating proof, because there was proof, it was just a question of how easily he could brush off the allegations. But the internet was a wonderful invention- and one he, more than most, knew how to use. It would just take a bit of time. But he had become who he was to help others.

"That definitely is a tempting offer, but threats don't work well with me. I mean if I take threats from heroes what will keep villains from copying? Heroes are the ones with morals... well, I mean, they're the ones who are supposed to have morals. You..." He absently trailer off, "Are not doing too great on that front."

Mentally Deku went through his 'instant blackmail' check list. The four voice recorders on his person and three with Aire, and the three cameras he had hidden on his own person as well . (Those three recorded video but also took timed photographs to be sent, encrypted, to his computer and phone in case they were damaged.)

     "You better watch what you say, rat."

"Er, well yes, while we're on that topic, I feel obligated to say this conversation is being recorded and... who knows what can happen with recordings, they could end up anywhere." He paused to watch the others flame covered face darken, "Now I really must ask you leave me and my younger sister alone, I fear she's been kept up too long and she's had a long day, my answer won't change. I don't approve of your goals and strongly disagree with some of your actions as a person, so I will not work with you."

"You think you can just threaten me and walk away with it!"

"I threatened no one, it's only polite to warn people when they're being recorded, that is all. I only intended to be mannerly. But with your attitude it's not completely a surprise you missed it. You are the one who threatened me- with the whole or I'll make you business, that is- I am an innocent civilian simply returning home with their sister, what threats exactly can I make?"

Endeavor growled drawing themselves up (how adorable, those extra few inches of height did nothing to make you look more intimidating when you already doubled someone's height.), "Innocent? That's rich, I know what you are."

"I have broken no laws, not so much as a traffic ticket on my record. I am an innocent private citizen, nothing more."

"Oh? And we're just ignoring your little side job?"

"I am very open in my occupation, Mr. Todoroki, I offer support and advisement for heroes. An admirable job by anyone's opinion. Just because I refuse you service because I disapprove of you both as a person and a hero, does not make my job a secret or illegal."

Endeavor flushed, "What exactly is that suppose to mean!"

"You're a horrible hero, offering no support or even protection to those you are supposed to save, too focused on reducing to ash anything you perceive as getting in your way to the number one spot-a shame you don't recognize it's partially your attitude. But you make for a worse husband and father driving your wife to insanity and viewing your children only as tools to build your legacy at the top. This is all I have seen from you, can you blame me for not wanting anything to do with you?" Endeavor growled advancing and swinging at him, flames leaping from his hand as Deku dodged the fist to spread out, fanning around the surrounding area.

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