Chapter 11:

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      So I said I might update again this week because of the short chapter, and now I have, but still *grins madly*.....Guess who hasn't updated at all since last year? (I'm not sorry for that joke and Happy New Year everyone). Anyway here you go; the next chapter:

    Deku woke once more to a world filled with pain, that was really starting to becoming a bit of a pattern and he had to wonder how this had become his life. With a groan he rolled over dragging himself up, ignoring the pain in the whole of their midsection and arms as they tried to find where they were, beyond that they were in a hospital room. Stupid, generic- oh.

     They paused from trying to get their broken body to cooperate.  They were in UA. It was the most likely solution anyway, as that was where they were last- the USJ, anyway- and whoever had him clearly saw him as an ally considering the lack of restraints or security- heck the window was left wide open. It clearly wasn't a hospital as well as he could see the shapes of other beds and a desk through the thin curtains. The beds wouldn't be unusual for a hospital (except they were the wrong kind for any of the hospitals anywhere near the USJ-don't ask, that was a whole other story.) but the desk was an outlier. It meant he was at a school nurses office.

    So he was at his old dream school, in the infirmary, and struggling to breathe never mind leave. (And oh hell was that window tempting, he was fairly sure he'd be able to scale down it).

   As he thought it through a person slid into the curtained area with him, they came around to his view when he tensed uncertainly, "You really shouldn't be moving so soon, Recovery Girl says that no matter what she does, she can't heal your arms fully- it will scar, but there should be no additional issues after a few months."

    Deku smiles faintly causing a disconcerted expression to flick onto Eraserhead's face, his eyes were wide with something like horror in them. Instead of pondering the meaning, like he usually would, Deku focused on the reasoning for why they were like that, the one thing that made it into his pain addled head (and painkiller addled, why couldn't they just let one torture him. He didn't need both working to ruin him), "Huh, I knew I should have dodged... but that also means I was able to block in time, that's good, I guess..."

   "...yeah," Eraserhead seemed thrown off by that, nodding his head slightly while speaking carefully as he parroted back the last words, "Recovery Girl said it would have been much worse, even fatal if you hadn't, so that's good,"

    He'd have to think over what he was missing here later, "Mind helping me stand up, I wouldn't want to take advantage of you hospitality any further," and knowing about Recovery Girl, he'd be hard pressed to get off the horrible pain killers.

   "You really are something else brat, you just got a full powered hit from fuc- from All Might, and that's what comes to mind... oh god..." Eraserhead seemed lost. 

   "Well, it's not like that was the worst blow I've been dealt," Deku grinned jokingly despite his mind drifting to the day that changed his fate... that was a wound no physical one could ever hope to surpass.

    Eraserhead just shook his head looking at him like he was crazy.

    "Well Oooookkay then if you say so little man, that's pretty hardcore though?!?!!!" Present Mic made an entrance as he  burst through the curtain beside Eraserhead, "Recovery Girl should be here to check on you soon and I have heard from your friend Tanaka that he has been keeping an eye on little Aire for you!!!!! Anything I can get ya?!?? You look like a wreck!!! Even worse then Mummy man over here!!!!"

    Deku took a moment to scan over Eraserhead who was indeed making for a surprisingly good imitation of a mummy although he didn't seem to be too horribly injured beyond that (AN: Remember no Nomu or Shigaraki fight this time for him since Izuku was keeping Shigaraki busy). Meanwhile Eraserhead scowled his capture cloth flipping out as he growled at the other (who spent the whole...lecture..? laughing his head off, even when he got a boot planted on his head)  

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