Intermission 1:

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Since I know I've been adding a whole bunch of nicknames for our beloved green cinnamon roll, I thought I'd pause a moment to address the different names and where they came from as well as do a bit of explaining, feel free to skip this if you like. As an English speaker I'll do what is easiest for me here and have all names be first name then last/family name. If there are any characters you have questions about or just comments or questions in general feel free to ask.... and now without further delay,

Izuku Midoryia, age 14 at the start of story (birthday in July), quirkless, but often pretends as Deku to have an unknown mental/information based quirk he calls Pantomath (an uncommon English word used to describe a person who wants to know/ already knows everything).

He left home (read, ran away from) when he was around eleven after a mental breakdown that led to him leaping off the roof that he had been left on. He was, however, saved by a mysterious yet to be revealed character who later serves in a somewhat mentor-like role to him by helping him hone his observation and people skills and giving him some manner of confidence and knowledge in handling himself in the world.

Later on he helps out the five people who Jin Tanaka continuously refers to as them, us, and the group. (Jin, Katsuo, Suzie, Sare, and Cogitatio) These are the attendees of the bimonthly occurrences which isn't actually bimonthly but in fact every full moon. Theses five appear whole heartedly dedicated to him as in their eyes he saved them from death or worse. These five like everyone else do not know his real name or much details about his past. (Eri is of course an exception to this). Not all of them know that he is quirkless.

Jin Tanaka consistently refers to him as Dekiru, this means "can do anything" making it a play on the name he introduces himself by most often (Deku) as well as his show of faith to his friend who still struggles with self worth issues.

The Johnson sisters, (Suzie and Sare) refers to him as Deki ( a shortened version of Jin's Dekiru meaning simply "can") Deku (as he introduces himself as that) or later on will often refer to him as Nero (not necessarily because of the emperor although they likely find it funny that they'd nickname the nicest and most humble person they know after a famed for violence ruler. but primarily because Nero actually means genius in Finnish. Another nod to their belief in him and his plans)

The reason Izuku chooses Deku as his name despite the strongly negative connotations is because it stands as a reminder for him that he couldn't even help himself so he wouldn't ever be able to help others. Making him useless in his eyes. This is a reminder that he can never be a hero, which was why he decided to help heroes by giving information to them.

When asked by Tomura Shigaraki what his name was he claimed his name was Canary this was to prevent any involvement he had getting linked to the name Deku as it would make investigations more difficult, harder for heroes to trust him and for him to keep in touch with them and most importantly could put Eri in danger. He chose Canary as it is a lesser used form of saying snitch or informant and his unnamed mentor occasionally uses this for him too.

     Why is Canary slang for that? I really don't know maybe it's because of the Canary in the coal mines serving as a warning or maybe because of saying you'll get someone to sing like a bird when you mean you'll interrogate them until they spill the secrets. Maybe none of the above I don't know. Later on his mentor occasionally calls him this as well as Friday Child.

    While we're on the topic Endeavor also calls him rat which like canary refers to him being an informant, sort of like the saying of ratting someone out.  (That one is pretty common I think, more so than canary at least)

Finally in later chapters Deku goes undercover (I'm not saying anymore then that) and chooses a new name in order to not attract attention by using Deku- which is fairly unknown by the right, and wrong, types of people and even the average citizen for his skills. So instead he introduces himself as Hideki. No particular reason, it's just a Japanese name that while not exactly common (and therefore not suspiciously so), it's also not unusual either.

Now that that has been clarified, I know all of Eri's names can get confusing as well as their similarities may make it seem like a typo, for all of hers Izuku tries to make them similar to avoid any confusion that may pertain to her responding to the wrong name and she'll already by somewhat used to responding to the new one. Hence Eri, Aire, and Aries (used later on like Hideki) are all similar and still can be used with his nickname for her "'Re".

Anyway thanks for reading this far along in the story and I hope you've enjoyed reading it as I much as I enjoyed writing it. (Which is to say lots!)  I might update again this week since this doesn't really count as a 'true' chapter, but I'm not making any promises.
     Bye for now and thanks again for sticking with me.

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