Chapter 13:

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  I just had a mini heart attack thinking it was Tuesday and I forgot to update, but, uhh, well, it's not Tuesday, so I haven't failed you guys, anyways, happy Monday all.         -T.A.L.A.

     "No." He had been back for all of a day before Present Mic and Eraserhead had come barreling in, Present Mic insisting on getting some form of contact with him, as the two friends came to check in on him. (Apparently they had worried that he had been kidnapped by the league as the teacher had seen a group take him in his sleep, they didn't say who, or why the teacher had been there in the middle of the night just it wasn't them)

That visit had gone smoothly enough and Aire had been happy to see the heroes again after so long although she had tried to pry who had been responsible for it from them (His friends had agreed he would be the one to tell her if he chose to, and only said that battles were unpredictable and he'd walked into one in order to save young heroes from very bad people). One look from Deku had turned their mildly bewildered looks into knowing ones and ensured they kept it from her without being too obvious about it They weren't the current issue he was struggling with though.

"No, I won't be able to help you." Deku reiterated at their silence in case the first refusal had not been clear enough. "If you would like, there are quite a few others who I am sure would be more than willing, how about I get you in touch with one of them?"

It had taken the UA a week to officially visit him, an ambassador sent by the principal- not to apologize for the mix up, thank him for his help, or even offer him hush money- (all of which he would have greatly preferred to this) the principal had the sheer nerve to send some lackey to him to convince him to join the UA, and be under All Might's tutelage, in disguise, putting himself in an extremely risky position considering recent event as no disguise was perfect.

The flaws of the offered plan were many and glaringly obvious. He could be recognized from the run in at the USJ (bad), or just the fact it's a disguise be realized (even worse) or any other of the many horrible possibilities (practically a full section of dumb ways informants are caught should be dedicated to disguising oneself and going undercover. It was basically rule number three; if you are already known by face by them, don't. Simple disguises are usually best, but if you can be recognized...).

      Any way it went none of the endings seemed good, adding to the risk was how recent the attack had been, creating automatic suspicion of outsiders and raising awareness and caution. And he'd already seen All Might's 'punch first ask questions never' method. (Admittedly a fairly good method, but that didn't exactly put him in an ideal situation should he accept)

     The danger would of course increase as his quirk was fully imaginary, of course the principal didn't know that, but there weren't exactly many purely internal, mental quirks in 1-A or hero courses for a reason. Sir Nighteye was the notable exception to that having a quirk that was both mentally based and internal, but his had the benefit of acting based off a person so it wasn't completely an internalized quirk.

Of course all of that wasn't dangerous enough, UA was Plus Ultra after all, they were also asking him to approach his accidental almost killer and help him deal with the guilt that came with near fatally attacking an ally as the pro hero was spiraling as they struggled with the realization. Plus Ultra, right?

       (Honestly, it wasn't that he didn't want to help the hero out, no matter his grudge he really did want to help them, just Nezu didn't plan on explaining to All Might who he was so how did he explain a). His knowledge of the event as it wasn't public knowledge   b). Why he was bothering the hero about it and bringing it up    and c). Why his opinion even mattered on this.) If that was his sole objective it would be more doable but with hunting out UA's spies while undercover and keeping up his normal actions as Deku it became... difficult.

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