Chapter 22:

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Right, so here's the thing, I'm bored right now and I'm at a kinda slow point in this other story I'm writing so I'm updating early, but I don't guarantee that there will be an update next Monday, depends on how much I get written for this story between now and then. Enjoy.

        Time flew it seemed for class 1-A minus Hideki and then the sports festival was upon them and he still hadn't found all of the spies in 1-A, much less the whole first year. He'd only managed to 'sneak off' a few times too- Hagakure was a great help with that (and didn't that make his upcoming betrayal more painful) playing scout so he didn't run into any teachers. Sure he could have avoided them easily without help, but this way he was prevented from answering awkward questions regarding his abilities by his classmates. Aries had seemingly won the hearts of all of his classmates and she would chatter nonstop at those she really got attached to, Kirishima and Uraraka especially.

"Let's all do our best everyone!" The whole class shivered, flinching away from Uraraka and the intensity of her determined 'encouragement'. Aries just smiled, kicking her legs happily from where she perched on a desk.

"You've got this Ochako! You'll be all pow! Bam! Hiiii- yah!" Aries mimed punches and kicks from where she sat perched on a desk causing Kirishima to grin- he had been the one to introduce her to comics when he found out how much she liked watching hero shows with Hideki. Their room was now littered with the thin books and a few posters were taped to the walls with her drawings.

"You got it! She's going to kick ass out there, but... isn't she a little bit scary?" Kirishima whispered the last part semi jokingly to her.

"No. Hideki, wouldn't let anyone hurt me, and when he tries he can be much scarier."

Kirishima tried to match up the image of scary with the cheery, gray and red haired boy that tended to take care of the whole class like a mother even as he seemed to forget basic care for himself- although he hid it well, "Really? Huh, I can't quite picture it."

    (An: Remember 'Hideki' has gray hair with red and white swirls)

Aries grinned nodding, "Really, really."

"Hmmm.... I can't really see it." Aries giggled at his conclusion, patting his head like he was a puppy before running off to Hideki.

"Brother, brother, I made you a good luck charm, wear it on you always, okay?"

"For me? Awww, thank you 'Re, I'm sure I'll do really good now!" Hideki slid the brightly sparkling,  hot and dark pink necklace on over top his uniform before picking her up and swinging her around through the air, "You're going to be rooting for me right?"

"Uh Huh! And Lu and the other's said they'll be rooting for you too so to put on a good show, Kay?"

"You got it," Izuku felt his grin widen even further and as if on cue Eraserhead was entering the room they had all gathered in declaring that finally it was time to head out to the field, "Remember to stick with Aizawa-sensei and be good, okay?" Izuku hugged Eri tightly once more before he left.

"Aye aye, captain!" He gave her one more last, last hug before they parted ways. He wouldn't admit that he was mildly nervous despite this not defining his future like it did for the other students.

"Alright, you've guys got this, okay? Just do you're best and I'm sure all the heroes watching will notice how great you guys'll be."

"Come on, Hideki, don't be like that, you've got this too!" Hideki stumbled as someone leaped onto him.

He grinned teasingly at Uraraka who had snapped out of her determined state and now hung onto his shoulders, her feet kicked up and off the ground, "Of course I do, that part went without saying."

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