Chapter 5:

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It was now officially going on the twelfth hour of Deku's anti-Endeavor campaign and Present Mic was more than a little concerned for the kid.

"You should be getting to bed just about now, don't ya think?!??! It's getting sort of late?!?!"

"Yes, well, I'm on a bit of a time crunch here, keep it down though, Aire is sleeping and I doubt anyone wants to wake up Mr. Eraserhead."

"And you should be asleep too!" They had at least managed a loud indoor voice, it was a really good thing Aire was such a deep sleeper if he was going to be spending a long time in the hospital for 'observation' or whatever the doctors were calling it.

"I need to finish this, some accounts are really putting up a good fight and after that I need to update a few of my files and I need to deal with a few things before I can send out the three short reports I promised not to mention I'm waiting for someone and-"

"I get it, you're busy!! But sleep is a really important thing too!! See?!? Even Shota goes to sleep every now and then!!" One of Present Mic's gesturing hands smacked the mentioned hero straight in the face knocking the hero off his shoulder where he had been previously sleeping. "Uhhhh.." sweat slipped down the side of his face as he laughed nervously, glancing between Deku- who still hadn't looked up from the laptop- and the demon he had just literally smacked awake.

"Yamada," The name was ground out causing the sweat to begin pouring down his face like a waterfall.

"D-Deku some help over here?!!!?" Deku didn't even look up caught up once again in his own world- or rather, others' worlds and thoughts. They turned their attention back to the now awake Aizawa. "W-ww-What?? You're up early.... he hehe ha ha..."

"I'm going to end you."

As if to make up from the total silence that had consumed the room completely, the room erupted in a cacophony of sound as Present Mic made a dash for the door knocking the two chairs to the ground with a clatter (and taking the other with it) buying himself enough time to reach the exit before he was caught by the ever-present capture cloth. He managed to cling to the door even with a few tugs stammering vague platitudes and attempting to explain how "murder was bad" and they should make "the heroes choice" and spare him... it would be much quicker after all, he could go straight back to sleep!

Just as Present Mic was resigning himself to the inevitable a quiet giggle interrupted them.

"The children!!" Present Mic cried releasing the door to gesture towards the now awake Aire, "you can't kill me in front of children!?!!?"

Present Mic, now no longer clinging to anything was shoved out the door. "You're right, you two? Behave."

The door slammed firmly shut behind them.

"They seem lively, don't you think?" Slipping from the darkness was an unnaturally tall, willowy white haired man. His covered eyes glinted in the windows' limited light like that of a wolf's beneath dark, tinted lenses.

"I suppose, but if you put your life on the line daily like that, who can begrudge them a bit of fun?" Deku responded absently his fingers continuing to fly across the keys.

"Yes," the newcomer leaned forward, a sharp claw like nail taping on the computer's screen, "with all the work and danger they put up with, who can judge them for resting some."

"Jin! I didn't mean- they're stuck in the spotli- it's really not the sa-... you know I didn't mean it like that, besides this is for my own selfish motivations."

"Ah, yes, your selfish motive... to help a family get out from under a false hero's thumb. Dekiru I'd really hate to see what you think is being selfless."

"I don't really think I ever am."

Jin laughed easily, head thrown back for a second before shaking his head, "you, Dekiru, are just about as close as one can get to being an angel... and that's coming from me. Who is your friend though, she seems new?"

Izuku spluttered helplessly for a moment before recovering, "Oh right, Jin, this is my new sister Kobayashi Aire, 'Re this is Tanaka Jin."

"Jin is fine, your family to Dekiru now after all," Aire nodded shyly from the other side of Deku glancing once at him for reassurance before returning to stare at the man standing beside them who offered a smile and a small wave- carefully not revealing any teeth.

"Oh, o-okay, what do you mean- why do you call him Dekiru though?"

The man grinned in genuine amusement, this time flashing sharpened rows of thin fangs at them, "Because, he can do anything, and one day the whole world will take note and lay itself at his feet."

"Wh-What J-Jin, I. Don't-I'm not- I'm not trying to take over the world!" The two pale haired people exchanged grins.

"Of course not," Jin patted his head, "But one day you'll all the same have the power to change its path, if you don't already- with your fire it's inevitable that you will- and you'll always have us at your back. So remember that, got it? You've freed too many of us from places where death was the best outcome we could even dream of for us to ever leave your side."

"I-uh," Izuku's face turned beet red, "you're really giving me too much credit here, I'm sure all of you would have found a way yourself, you especially Jin, I did notice some of your plans, I mean sure it was only the beginning but..."

"They weren't for the escape you're thinking."


"Deku?" Deku turned to pat Aire on the head and pull her close.

"Hey Aire, oh! Look at this," Deku's eyes glanced around the screen before landing on a comment he'd already seen, "we've got official support! Phase three is a go!"

Jin smiles slightly at him before lightly shoving his forehead with the back of a single finger, "which I hope is super secret information broker code for getting some rest, Dekiru, believe it or not most people get a solid six hours at least, the world won't end. I'll even keep an eye on it for you."

"You don't need to do that," Jin faked a yawn causing two more to echo his, "really? You don't actually plan on-" Jin yawned again even wider. Two yawns followed yet again, " I got it, I got it," Izuku settled down in the covers making sure his burnt back was face up, shoving the now closed computer at Jin with his one good hand, "good night Jin, Re."

"Go to sleep, Dekiru," Jin patted the informant's fluffy hair.

"Night Izu," Already half-asleep and his mind oddly fuzzy with the cocktail of painkillers the doctors still insisted on, Deku barely even realized the slip up, much less catch on to who else was in the room at the time. Jin grinned eerily as he absently shut the curtains cutting off the only source of light in the room and settled back down in his corner to keep watch.

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