Chapter 7:

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"Initiate plan A."

A swirl of a near transparent film, almost like the liquid used for bubbles circled easily onto the battle field floating along invisible air currents towards where the heroes were facing off. , A thin shimmering strand formed for each of the heroes sans Endeavor, coming to rest on them. The area they paused on seemed to grow outward,  the strands thickening as the heroes got swamped in it despite at the same time it seemed like the strange material wasn't changing size at all.

The translucent thing lazily covered the struggling heroes and then slipped away into nothingness itself as if it had never been there.  Endeavor was left to glare menacingly around the area as if challenging the film to try that with him or for any of the other heroes to take up their places and fight him.

"Show yourself and fight me, villain, your cowardly attacks will not work on me!"

A lone figure loped out of the shadows, a dark cloak covering his head with a scarf like mask covering his face that the hood didn't. He was dressed solely in black making the white wolf ears and tail peaking out from holes in the cloak contrast sharply as well as the pale fangs and bright bloody red lips that made up the grinning snarl painted on the scarf over his mouth. Two different gold earrings sparkles fully from where they hung from one ear.

"Villain, ehhhh, that seems like pretty strong words for someone wrecking havoc on the streets,"

Endeavor once more spoke up demandingly, "So you are the one who made them disappear, what is your goal, villain."

"Woah, woah, disappear? Pull back there buddy, hold your horses! That is a pretty big accusation there, they looked tired, they're just resting up for round two you know? I'm just here to keep you busy meanwhile..." he sent a blatant distasteful look at the watching heroes.

"Well to be fair, and to answer your question I suppose, he wasn't the one to actually do that either."

A new person hopped down from the second floor of a building. This one's face was veiled in gold and blue that matched the clothes that hung loosely about them, a black necklace dangled on their neck and black rings rested atop silky gloves. With a vague gesture they continued talking.

"But that wasn't what you really cared about was it? Do you have any other questions before we get to the beat down? I mean, do you really think you'll win?"

"What do you mean to imply by that, you and your little friend the scum beneath my toes! I've never even seen or heard of you before. You don't stand a chance!" Flames exploded around him before sharply dying down again to lick around him.

The second raised their arms making an airy placating gesture, "Fine, fine, why are you causing this whole scene anyway?"

"What do you mean why?!" Endeavor thundered, his flames rising once more as he spoke unmindful of the first one's snickers, "That useless squirt decided to challenge me! Who does he think he is with that useless information quirk of his he might as well be quirkless!" The snickers cut off with a growl. "That no good brat decided to try and get rid of all my hard work just because he didn't like how I raised my children! Look at Shoto, he's at UA, does that brat even know how hard it is to get accepted there and he dares question my methods? Dares to challenge me!"

They easily glided closer in a movement so natural it was difficult to notice just what he was doing, blue and gold fabric drifting soundlessly after him, "So the accusations are false?"

"No, but does that really matter?!? Look where he ended up! A true testament to my legacy!"

"No." The word was cold and seemed to resonate much louder despite the calmer tone, "Not your legacy, if he becomes a hero, it will be to his own hero name's credit, not for your glory." Endeavor turned to the one dressed in black as they spoke up.

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