Allison looks of into the distance and me and follow her to look out into the difference as well. A snapping nose makes my heart beat against my chest. "Allison can we go back to the car now" I whine and she shakes her head. "Hold this" she says and hands Lydia her bow. "What why" Lydia asks. "Because I thought I heard something." Allison says and I moan. "Come on" I whine.

"So what if you heard something?" Lydia says looking at Allison. "So, I want to find out what that something is. Don't worry. It's probably nothing." Allison says and starts to walk off. "Well, what I'd that nothing is something and that something is something dangerous?" Lydia says and I sigh not really wanting to be out here much longer. "Shoot it" Allison says and me and Lydia turn to each other and sigh whilst listening out for Allison.

"It was just Scott" she says and I sigh in relief. "Let's go please" I say and she nods.

We spent all day trying to find the perfect dresses but it just wouldn't work. We gave up after looking in two shops and just went home. "See you tomorrow" Lydia says and we wave goodbye. "I'm exhausted" I say and head in the house.

I head up to my room and kick my shoes off. I lie backwards on my bed and decide that I should probably have a nap.

"Hey can we talk" Allison asks and I groan and sit up. "What's up" I ask and she smiles slightly. "Its about everything that's being going on. I can't keep it to myself anymore" she says and I nod and look at her confused.

"So I caught our family in a lie" she says and I raise an eyebrow. "It was little. The night you guys came to town. My dad said you guys had a flat tire and your mom said she needed a jump start." She says. "Yeah I know, there was nothing faulty with the car before I fell asleep." I say and she nods. "I've been telling myself its miscommunication but the other day I found glass on your moms car as if someone had smashed the window." She and I pull a confused face. "I don't remember" I say and she nods.

"I also feel like they knew a lot more about what happened at the school then we do. I don't think it was Derek" she says and I jump up. "I've been keeping this to myself but at the night at the school. What attacked me, wasn't human. It was sort of like an animal. It was massive and had red eyes" I say and she looks at me shocked. "I've been going along with it being Derek because I don't want to sound crazy." I say and she takes a breath of relief. "I'm just so confused" she says and I agree with her.

"Allison I'm exhausted" I say and yawn. "Will you stay with me, I'm scared" I say and she nods. "Of course" she says and I smile and she hugs me. "Goodnight Clara bear" she says and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Allison" I shout walking through the extremely dark corridors. "Allison. You here?" I shout again and when I hear a loud bang. I walk towards where I heard the sound from when I saw a massive Animal. It makes eye contact with me and I run away.

I fall over and hit my head causing my headache to come back. I try and scramble my way up when it started making it's way towards me. I stare into its red eyes as it comes closer to me. I let out a scream before it jumps on me and the last thing I see is its red eyes before I see black.

"Hey it's okay I'm right here" Allison says hugging me tightly. "I'm scared. Like really scared" I say and she nods and rests her chin on my head. "It'll be okay, I promise" she says and I nod. She wipes away my tears and I sigh.

After dinner. I head into my room and take my makeup off. I sat at my vanity unit just staring at myself. I had makeup on but my bags under my eyes were extremely visible. "Maybe we should get you in to a doctor for your headache and maybe a therapist for your dreams" my mom says making me jump. "It'll be fine, give them a few more days and they'll go away" I say and she nods. "I'll give you a week" she says and I smile and thank her. "Me and your uncle are going to head out for a few, I'll see you later" she says and kisses my forehead. "Bye mom" I say and she smiles.

I stare at myself in the mirror and begin to start taking off my makeup. When my makeup was fully off I stared at myself completely disgusted. I roll my eyes and move over to my bed. I decide to do a bit of studying on my bed for a while till Alison comes back.

"Wait so her just left you there on your own" I say shocked and dropped my pen. "Yeah he said he'd be right back but after an hour, I left" she says and I nod. "Good on you" I say and hug her tightly.

"Come on girls I've got something to show you" my mom says walking into my room. Me and Allison give each other a weird look before getting of my bed and following my mom to a weird basement.

"What is this place" I ask looking around following my mom further down the tunnel. "Let's start with the basics. You know how every family has its secrets?" My mom asks and me and Allison looks at each other weirdly. "Ours are a little different" my mom says and pulls open a sliding door.

Me and Allison walk in slowly behind my mom. There was a man chained up and I look between my mom and the man shocked. My mom turns on light to reveal a man with a wolf face and he starts roaring at us. I look up at him scared and shocked. "Isn't he beautiful" my mom says whilst he roars at her. I look between them scared.

My mom starts turning up some volts making whatever the hell it was scream out in pain. "Mom your hurting him" I say and she looks at me confused. "What are you doing? Is that gonna kill him?" Allison questions and my mom scoffs. "Come on girls. Don't get all ethical on me now." My mom says and he starts screaming making me flinch again.

"What is he?" I ask curiously. "Shape-shifter. Lycan. Werewolf" she says and starts laughing. "To me, he's just another dumb animal." My mom says and I just look completely shocked.

"Come here." My mom says walking over and pulling open his mouth. "See these right here? These are canines, also known as fangs. Made for the tearing and rending of flesh. Not something you'd find on those cute little meat-eating herbivores, is it?" My mom asks laughing slightly.

"This is a joke to you?" Allison asks while I just stand there staring in disbelief. "Girls come on, there are werewolves running around in the world. Everything's a joke to me. How else do you think I stay sane?" My mom says in a playful tone.

"So it was him at the high school" Allison asks. "It couldn't of been. The monster at the school had red eyes" I say rubbing my palm on my forehead to try and relieve my headache.

"There's actually three of them. Another younger one like him called the beta, and then theres the Alpha. Alpha's the pack leader" she says leading us away from the werewolf. "Bigger, stronger, nastier. Those are the real ugly mother fuckers " my mom says. We walk out of the room and I massage my two fingers on my temples as my headache was just getting worse.

"When were they gonna tell me?" Allison asks. "Yeah and me" I say snapping my fingers away from my head to look at my mom more seriously. "They still haven't decided when we should tell you girls." My mom says and I furrow my eyebrows. "Why" I ask annoyed. "Let's say if you react badly when you find out. Not good." My mom says kissing her teeth.

"What do you mean 'not good'?" Allison asks as we follow my mom out of the tunnels. "They don't think you girls can handle it and obviously Chris is supposed to decide when" my mom says gaining a sigh from Allison. "They look at you two who are basically twins and  they see these frightened little girls" my mom says and I pull an offended face. But my mom didn't turn round to see it.

"Me? What do I see? Natural talent." She says glancing at us both. "Girls you said you wanted to be powerful, right? Now's your chance." My mom says. "Well what do we do know" I ask confused. "Go to school, do your homework. Go to the formal on friday night. Be normal teenage girls who don't know anything. Trust me to get everything ready for the next part." Mom says with a wicked smile on her face. "What's the next part?" Me and Allison say in sink causing my mom to laugh softly. "You're gonna help me catch the second Beta." Mom says and me and Allison give each other a worried glance before at my mom.

I head straight up to my room where I lie on my bed and take in the newly information. Where I ended up falling to sleep.

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