"You all should be safe here. The bus got out. Glenn got out. I'm gonna find him." Lola heard Maggie say. She stood up, walking towards Sasha and Maggie.

"Maggie. With any luck, the bus is gone." Sasha tried saying.

Maggie interrupted. "It was heading east down the mail road. If I follow in that direction, I might be able to pick up its tracks."

"Alone? With just that?" Lola spoke, pointing to the woman's knife.

"I'm out of ammo, so, yeah. I couldn't fine Beth. I know Glenn got out and I know which way he went. I'm gonna go get him and I'm gonna come back for you. We both are."

"Maggie." Sasha tired.

"I'm going." Maggie said, walking away.

"We cannot split up. Not now." Sasha called.

"I will go with you, Maggie." Lola said. "Come on, Lee."

"No, it's not safe for him." Maggie said, before walking into the woods.

Lee looked offended. "I can take care of myself, Maggie."

"You said it. We can't split up." Bob said, smiling as he followed after Maggie.

Lola looked at Sasha and Lee. "Come on."

They walked long the road with Maggie a little ahead of them. Lee walked between Sasha and Lola.

"You could have helped me stop her. If you're tyring to make me feel sorry for you, it's not working." Sasha spoke to Bob.

"Damn, it means I let myself get shot up for nothing." Bob says, smiling.

"The odds of us finding him. We should be out looking for food, shelter." Sasha said.

"Yeah, for what?" Bob asked Sasha.

"To live." Sasha answered.

"Then what?" Bob questioned, making Sasha glance at him.


"Maybe we didn't survive just to keep surving."

"Shit happens. Not everything has to mean something." Sasha repiled.

"No, it doesn't have to, but it can. If you make it that way, and that's what it seems like we're doing. And I'm down with that." Bob said.

Walking farther up the road, they came to a stop behind Maggie. They looked in front of her and saw the bus before the woman broke into a run making the four of them follow.

"Maggie. Maggie!" Bob called after her.

Lee followed after the short haired woman and walked to the entrance of the bus. A loud bang came for the bus, a Walker banged against the Walker.

Lee grabbed Maggie by the arm when she tried to get into the bus. "Come on, Maggie! We have to go!"

He pulled the crying woman away, who struggled against him. Being strong than him, Maggie pulled herself out of his hold.

"I have to know if he's in there." Maggie said, looking at the younger boy.

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