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This has turned out to be really sad story, even more that I originally had in mind, and it might get even sadder.

I hope you guys don't mind it though, let me know, and I can change

Enjoy! 💜



He groans loudly, rubbing his face. When he tries to get up, someone's hand is holding him down.

Oh fuck

There is a man next to him. His red hair is peaking under the covers, and Taehyung can't see his face clearly underneath it. He wiggles out off the hold, and collects his clothes from the floor, putting them on as quietly as he can. He looks around, trying to locate his phone and wallet, and putting them in his pockets. He's moving around, trying to be as quiet as he can, collecting everything he owns, before he tiptoes out off the room and out off the house.

He sits in the curb, few blocks down from the house he woke up, just trying to recall everything that happened last night. He cant remember the name off the red haired male he was with, but he can remember that he was handsome.

His cheeks reddened a little, when he recalled all the things they did together and how much he enjoyed everything.

Hi finally pulls his phone from his pocket, to see what time it is, but his heart clenched a little when he's screen in light up.

There is seven missed calls and sixteen texts from Jungkook, which makes his heart hurt, and his eyes get wet from the shame.

He has replaced me already, why it's always me who feels ashamed?

He puts the phone pack in his pocket, standing up and walking down the road, heading back home.


Front door clicks closed, and Jin storms out of the kitchen and groans relieved when he sees his brother in the hallway.

"Tae, thank god you are okay"

Younger of the two looks up, meeting his brothers eyes. He steps closer to him, after taking his shoes off, and Jin's heart clenches when he sees his brothers lips quiver.

"I'm not hyung. I'm not okay"

Taehyung was crying, holding on to him, and speechless Jin only wraps his hands around his shaking shoulders.

He hums, rocking him side to side, trying to get him calm down. After a while, Taehyung finally lifts his head up from his brothers chest, wiping his tears away.

"Wanna talk about it?" Jin asks quietly, but Taehyung only shakes his head, and steps out off his hold. "No, I'm okay." Jin nods, and looks after him when Taehyung walks upstairs.

Jin sighs, shaking his head a little and stepping back in to the kitchen.

"Everything all right baby?"

Purple haired man asks while sitting in their kitchen table, looking at him with concerned eyes. Jin flashes him a tight lipped smile, and sits back down. Namjoon reaches over and takes his hand in his.

"You do know that I'm here if you need anything?"

Jin nods, his warm and loving voice making him shudder little. They sit like that for a second, before Namjoon's phone starts puzzling on the table.


Flashes on the screen. They both looks at it, and the phone keeps ringing.

"I changed it." Namjoon says quietly, when the phone stops ringing. Jin can feel his gaze on him, but he's keeping his eyes locked in it.

"I didn't ask you to" Jin says quietly when phone dings informing about a new text message.

"But I wanted to. Jin you have to understand that.." Namjoon is interrupted by the phone, which starts ringing again, making him groan and fishing it up from the table.

"I'm little busy" he answers. Jin can hear the bright voice through, not quite catching on what he is talking though.

Namjoon only listens, sighing loudly. "I'm coming" he stands up from the table, pushing his phone in his pocket. "Baby, I need to go, I'll call you when I get home?" Jin only nods, closing his eyes when he feels Namjoon kiss his forehead.

Jin sighs quietly when he can hear the front door close after him.


"You fucking asshole!!" He screams, launching over the table, crashing into the red haired male.

"Jungkook!" Yoongi screams trying to get the younger male off from their friend.

"You knew he was mine! How could you!?"

Jungkook screams, tears running down on his face when he punches Hoseok in the face.

"I didn't know! I only saw his stamp fully in the morning!" Red haired man screeches back, covering his face from the furious male sitting in top of him.

Yoongi pulls Jungkook up from the floor, putting both his hands on his chest. "You two are broken up, you are sleeping with Yugyeom.."

"I'm not having sex with him, we only cuddle!"

Jungkook says, shaking his head furiously, his gaze burning holes in Hoseok's head, when he stands up from the floor, wiping blood off from his busted lip.

"Still. You can't attack Hoseok only because he saw pretty boy in the bar and brought him home."

Yoongi says, making younger tear his gaze from Hoseok, and lock it on him.

"He's mine." He growls, ripping himself from olders hold. "If you are willing to share someone you love with him, that's on you, but I'm not"

Younger can't see it coming, when the blonde grabs his collar and pushes him on the wall.

"Don't talk about things you don't know shit" older growls at his face, putting pressure on his neck. "Just because you are family, doesn't mean that I won't fuck you up if you mention her one more time"

Younger nods slightly, and blonde lets him go. "Just go home Kook, before something more happens"

Youngest of the three nods, defeated, craps his jacket and steps out off the studio.

I need to see him.

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