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Raven haired male was panting heavily, wiping his face. Small, blonde man sits in the front of him, his normally intimidating face soft when he reaches towards the younger.

It hurt, so bad, that Jungkook wasn't sure if he could handle this pain.

Yoongi reaches out to him, to hold his hand in his, in a form of comfort.

"Don't cry Kook-ah, you will find someone new."

Olders words only make the younger cry even louder, and Yoongi shots a pleading gaze towards Namjoon, not knowing how to comfort younger.

Namjoon sighs, stands up and pulls Jungkook in a tight hug. "There there, I know it hurts"

"Hyung" younger whimpers, and Namjoon hums, rubbing his hand in soothing circles on his back.

"Do you Jungkook know what's the best way get over someone?" Yoongi asks, making the crying male in Namjoon's arms turn his head with questioning look.

"It's to get under someone new"


So that's the reason why four of them, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jungkook and Namjoon walk inside the night club.

Music booms in their ears, and right away when hearing a beat, Hoseok vanishes, and they can see him at the dance floor creating an excited crowd around him.

When they finally reaches the bar, and Yoongi orders three beers and soju bottle, Jungkook turns towards the two. "Hyung's, I'm not sure about this" he feels a little claustrophobic, there's too many people around him. He's never been in a place like this, and it's making him anxious.

Yoongi scoffs, sipping his beer, pouring him a shot. "Kook, you are single, in first time in your life. Just enjoy it. It feels weird at first, but you get used to it"

Jungkook looks at the shot other showed in his hand, before downing it in one go.

"See anyone you like in here?" Namjoon's shooting voice rings through his head, and first time ever he lets his gaze wander around the crowd.

"I see someone nice enough" he says shrugging and both older males share a glance. "That's good, lets drink some more first"

Four beers, and six shots later Jungkook finds himself in the dance floor, that "nice enough" boy in his arms, grinding on him. He's enjoying himself, and thoughts of Taehyung are gone out from his blurry mind.

"What's your name pretty?" He asks from the boy in his arms. "Taehyun" he answers and drunkly giggles. There is stab in Jungkook's heart from the name, but he won't let it bother him.

In his blurry vision, he can see his hyungs waiving at him, trying to get him come closer. He is ignores them, and holds the boy in front of him only tighter.

He lets his gaze wander around the dance floor, when it hits him. He's here, dancing with Jimin, drink in his hand and looking so good it makes younger angry.

As he could feel someone staring at him, he turns towards him, even tough Jimin tries to prevent it. Their eyes locks together, and he can feel and see the hurt in his eyes, even in his blurry state.

And it like something evil is possessed him, and he wants to make him regret everything. So he craps Taehyun's waist, turning him around, making his back facing at him, and begins to grind on the others behind, turning their bodies little, so they are facing stunned male across the dance floor.

Jungkook kisses boys neck, letting his hands move around his body, his gaze never leaving Taehyung's.

Taehyun lets him do it, eagerly graining his neck that he has more access to mark his neck.

Jungkook's whole attention is turned towards the, now sad looking, soulmate of his.

So when the eager boy in his lap takes his hand, whispering his ear "Let's take this somewhere more private" and pulling him with him towards the door, he only follows mindlessly, smirking towards Taehyung.


Next morning he wakes up in someone else's room, with massive headache and naked young boy tangled in the sheets with him. He looks at the other, almost no memories from last night.

He remembers Taehyung's sad eyes, and following the other boy home. But everything else is blurry. Buzzing from the bedside table snaps his out his daze.

"Yoongi hyung"

"Yah! Kid, where the hell are you?" Yoongi's voice booms from the other line. Jungkook grimaces with pain others shouting is making in his head.

"I don't really know, I'll call you when this boy wakes up and tells me" he growls at his hyung.

There is silence in the other line, making him really nervous, before Yoongi laughs loudly.

"You got laid, that's good. Call me when you are ready"

Jungkook hangs up, and groans frustrated covering his eyes with his hands.

"What the hell was I thinking?"

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