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He's sitting in the kitchen table, facing the young girl. Girl he was head over heals in love, even though she wasn't his soulmate. That was an reason why they weren't dating, but they were still best friends.

She had found her soulmate, and given him a chance, breaking Yoongi's heart in the process. But he understood.

Knowing about the feelings they shared between them, but had made an agreement to not act on them, was hard for both of them, but they did try to make the friendship work.

Now she had called him to come around, because she wanted to talk. So that's the reason Yoongi was there, sitting in his chair, looking straight up to Suran, just waiting her to speak.

"Yoon.." she says, her voice quivering while she reaches out and takes his hand. "Yoon, I'm.."

Yoongi forced himself wake before he can hear the words he hated to hear, almost identical to the words what Jimin had told him earlier.

He looks down at the sleeping boy in his arms, kissing his head a little, before sighing quietly and pulling him even closer to him.

He would do everything in his power to save the soulmate he had waited, and not let him go through the same path he had already seen someone he loved to go.

Jimin would not end up like Suran, if Yoongi could do anything to help.


He was lying down in the bed in his dark room. His earphones played soft piano music in his ears, letting him swallow in self pity.

That soft music, and that clear voice which was singing in his earphones, was all he had left from his own soulmate, and it was his biggest treasure.

He was happy for his friends about finding their soulmates, but he was also jealous of them. He had found his soulmate in early years in high school, but she was already in love with someone else, so he let them be after confessing.

She had made things clear with the other male, and they all were friends. Hoseok and his soulmate started dating, and they were happy, for a while.

Until life happened and ripped them apart, leaving grieving Hoseok with an broken heart and broken soulmate stamp.

His fingers crazed over the stamp in his wrist, a pink ribbon, which had an scar right middle of it. His soulmate was gone, so his stamp was broken.

He had been there for her, for that long and hard road, but after all, nothing worked and he had to let her go.

"Remember Hobi, even though I will be gone, you can still find love. And you should look for it, you are too precious to spend an eternity alone"

Red haired male wipes stubborn tears off his face. He would not cry, not anymore. He had cried, screamed and trashed places already enough for a lifetime.

Finally Hoseok has enough, and he stands up from his bed, tosses his earphones back in his bed, and grabs his jacket and wallet, stuffing his phone in the pocket, and storming out off the house.


Music boomed in his ears, alcohol burned in his throat. He was sitting in the bar, looking around and drinking his sorrows away. He knew it wasn't the right way, but he wanted to have something else in his head. Even if it would not last long, and would give him a killer headache.

"Can you give me four shots of tequila?" Husky voice asks from bartender right next to him, making Hoseok turn towards the male.

He was breathtaking, his bright red hair shining in the dim lights. He was really familiar looking, but Hoseok could not put his finger down, from where he knew the male.

His soulmate stamp was shown under his sleeve, dampening Hoseok's mood a little. Younger male turns to look at him, after downing three of his shots, giving him a little smile.

Hoseok gathered all of his courage, and leaned towards the boy.

"Wanna head out off here?" Younger boy looks him up and down, like measuring him, before downing his last shot, and reaching over to take an hold of his hand.

"Let's go to yours"

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