Chapter 17

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It's currently 7 in the morning and I just got done working out so I decided to head down to the dining area early so I could get some writing done. Once I got done taking a shower, I quickly changed into an oversized sweatshirt and leggings and left my hair down. I made sure I had all my things packed since we were going home later today, then grabbed my notebook and a pen, making sure my AirPods and phone were with me, before heading down. 

I sat down on a chair after grabbing a bowl of salad. I put the AirPods in, guitar then Sam's voice replaying over and over again, I was trying to familiarize it. I was too in the zone that I didn't notice some of my teammates were slowly arriving. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I looked up, smiling when I saw that it was Christen. I removed one of my AirPods, giving her my attention.

"You're up early, how are you feeling?"

I shrugged.

"I always wake up earlier than everyone, and I'm feeling great now, thank you for asking."

We went back to what we were doing. I was almost done with writing my verse so I was doing that while munching on the salad I had in front of me. 

Once I was satisfied with what I wrote, I sighed and closed the notebook, then paying attention to the conversation happening in our table. Our table consisted of the usual people I would hang out with Christen, Tobin, Ash, Ali and Pinoe, but I also noticed peoplewho don't usually sit with us like Julie and Crystal.

"And she's back in the real world."

I looked at Ash questioningly but she just smirked at me.

"You were concentrating so hard on your notebook, we tried to get your attention the first 5 minutes of the conversation but then just gave up." 

I gave them a shy and apologetic smile but they just smiled at me. 

"I'm sorry, just needed to finish this real quick. So, what were you guys talking about?"

"About what team you chose to sign with. We're placing bets."

I raised an eyebrow at that.

"So you giving us any hints?"

I shook my head and just gave them a smirk. They all groaned making me giggle. 

(Tobin's POV)

I watched as my best friend couldn't stop staring at Michelle making me smirk and nudge her.

"If you stare any longer, she'll melt."

Chris gave me a glare making me laugh.

"Not my fault she's adorable." 

She mumbled under her breath. I playfully got closer to her and grinned.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."

She shoved me away making me laugh because of how red her face has become.

"Damn, don't gotta be abusive about it."

And that caused her to hit my shoulder once agian making me pout and rub it. Damn woman.

(Michelle's POV)

I sat beside Christen on the bus as we made our way to the airport. I was flying with Pinoe going back to Seattle since Alli was flying to California to visit her family so it would just be the 2 of us.

"Hey Martins, when are you gonna make your insta?"

I looked behind me, faced Ash and shrugged.

I have been thinking of making atleast an instagram account for a week now but I just really don't know when.

"C'mon, it would be fun. It gives all the fans something to stalk and gush over, especially with how hot you are."

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