The Clock is Running

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Chapter 31


Date: June 10th

Location: Guardian Base

Time: 4:52 a.m.


Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

I rolled over in my head trying desperately to push the imaginary clock out of the boundaries of my mind and back to what abyss it had come from.

Tick tock.

I was running out of time.

I got out of bed feeling the need to do something than just lay there and let my thoughts take over and plague me until I went insane.

Normally I would have told the others about the kidnapping or I think it was kidnapping, my thoughts were still a little fuzzy, but I didn’t. I couldn’t trust what I had remembered, all I knew for sure was that I needed to get the information from Valentin by August 1 or I could consider myself dead.

Tick tock.

But that wasn’t what scared me, no I had been in too many life threatening situations to be afraid of death, no I was afraid of what the person knew. Levi was scary as himself, being threatening and cocky and never seeming to give a fuck about anything. He was a master at the game and he was good at being one step ahead of you, always.

This other person though, they brought a new threat. They knew where to attack me, they got into the Guardian base, they knew where I head Valentin’s knife.

I had thought about the scenario over and over and couldn’t come to any conclusion. I didn’t know where they took me and Ian after I was drugged, I didn’t know how we got there, I didn’t know how we got back, I didn’t know anything!

Tick tock.

I scrambled out of bed almost falling in the process to just get out of the bounds and back into some form of reality. I didn’t know how much more of this I could take.

Light knocking prevented me from full out bawling and questioning my life and for that I was grateful. Feel pity for yourself and then you never stop.

“Come in,” I croaked out, my voice still not fully awake.

Iris came in hesitantly and that alone got my nerves on full power. Here was the girl who was giddy about stealing the Hope Diamond and to sabotage Jethro Inc. The fact that she stood here staring at her feet and rubbing her arm wasn’t exactly a good sign.

“Not now,” I grumbled falling back on my bed. If there was a dilemma someone else could deal with it, right now I just wanted sleep or to figure out my own damn problems.

“Can’t let you do that.” She said, her voice was confident despite her fidgeting frame.

“Why’s that?” I ask not particularly interested.

“It has to do with V,” At that part I sigh and I can hear her start to go again so I get up and grab a jacket that I’m pretty sure wasn’t mine and brushed past her.

“Let’s go.”

That man could never stay out of trouble for one minute could he? After the break in they moved him to a different location, one I wasn’t allowed to know, but they assured me it was secure. The fact that they needed to consult with me, which L.J had made clear was a big no no, meant something bad had happened.

Once, Twice, SoldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant