Chapter 5- The Stripper

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Chapter 5


Date: April 8th

Location: Loco Bar

Time: 11:38 p.m.


My head pounded, my vision was blurred, and I’m pretty sure I just saw a guy wearing half a horse suit. Smoke clogged the air and I could barely see 5 feet in front of me which heightened all of my other senses, not that it helped much with the blaring music.

Girls and boys screamed all over the place and my heart picked up its pace, it was hard to tell which was a scream of enjoyment and which was a scream of fear. I knew I wouldn’t be able to do anything significant to help the problem, maybe threaten whoever was hurting them, but who would pay attention to me? I was just a small girl being pushed and battered around like a ball in this godforsaken place.

Even with my hazy vision I could easily see 5 infractions. It was a wonder that this place was still open, then again, whoever would come to condemn it would walk in, get high from the fumes, and forget what they were going to do here in the first place.

“Sexy Lexi!” I heard Taylor scream and her body barely came into view before she tackled me in a hug. She was a bit drunk so I knew by her wobbly appearance that she already was a bit buzzed. “I got another birthday present for you.”

It was amazing how much money these people seemed to have. First Taylor practically bought me the entire store, Sarah and Hannah bought me a new Lexus that was completely electric, I try and forget about how much that costs, and Melanie bought me a week’s stay in the Aspen Mountains. I thought they were poor college students, I was very wrong.

“Taylor you didn’t need to get me anything else.” Really, she had given me enough. Even my parents who were one of the richest couples in the world didn’t spend this much money on me.

“Trust me, you’ll love it!” She screamed over the blaring music. “Come on!”

With a firm grip on my arm she lead me through the grinding bodies and people dry humping all over the dance floor, those people really need to get a room. I got pinched in the ass five times before we reached a stair case.

All I could think at the moment was, this place has a second floor? I honestly did not want to see what hell was up here.

Nonetheless Taylor’s excitement and her alcohol buzz rendered my protests useless as another bouncer lead us through the door.

It was surprisingly quiet; I could only hear the faint echo of the pulsing music in the background. The walls were draped in red and I couldn’t help but think back to my imprisonment at Lockstar when Michael first brought me to a room to play chess. The rooms there dripped with blood too, figuratively and literally.

The carpet was soft and squishy that made me sink a few inches making it harder to walk in the heels Sarah had forced me in. Taylor was murmuring under her breath as she looked from door to door then at something scrawled on her hand. She stopped so abruptly that I smacked into her and barely regained my balance when she flung open the door that had to be as squishy as the floor.

“Thank me later!” She screams and pushes me into the dark room and closes the door.

What the hell?

The blackness coated the entire room and I couldn’t even see my own hand in front of my face. I started to grow nervous and panic when I calmed myself, panicking wasn’t going to get me anywhere. I quieted my breathing and strained my ears to hear anything else.

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