Chapter 13- Zombies

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Chapter 13

Date: April 19th

Location: International Airport

Time: 4:00 a.m.

Why in whatever powerful being, if there is one, did I decide to choose a flight so early in the morning? My eyes could barely be kept open seeing as I once again had a sleepless night with the man in the dark hoodie plaguing my dreams. My subconscious was telling me something but I didn’t know what it was, what was I missing?

My thoughts started to slide away again and my eyes were drifting close when I snapped awake again. This was not the time for sleeping.

The others didn’t look much better than me. We had all grown used to being able to sleep in and eat whatever we want, as Matt said we were in ‘retirement’, now that we were out of it, it was hard making the adjustment.

I lifted my cup of coffee to get a caffeine boost only to find that it was empty, again. I groaned and leaned back in the uncomfortable seating that this airport had. Our plane was supposed to arrive a half hour ago and there was still no sign of it showing up. We were heading to Kilrush, Ireland where we would hopefully meet up with Maria and Max. However I had no idea if they were there at all or if someone was playing me. They had done well in hiding their tracks.

“I think walking to Ireland would be quicker.” Matt muttered from his sprawled out position on the filthy off white tile flooring.

Fran mumbled something in return, most likely asking him to stop complaining but too tired to form the words.

I slouched in my seat even more wanting more than ever to close my eyes and go to sleep just for five minutes, was that too much to ask?

“Here,” Iris thrust something toward me with a vibrating hand. I looked up to see her whole body practically trembling and her eyes looking slightly glassed over. “This will wake you up.”

“Are you high?” I asked sleepily eyeing the coffee cup warily.

“Of course not,” She said quickly. “Just a lot of caffeine it’s really good, you should try it.”

Well it couldn’t hurt and she didn’t seem like she was going to O.D, just having a major caffeine rush that I desperately needed. I grabbed the warm paper cup and smelled the liquid inside, it smelled like regular coffee. Before my thoughts could interject I took a huge gulp, part of it burning my throat on the way down.

While it smelled like coffee it certainly didn’t taste like it. Whatever it was it wasn’t bad but it wasn’t like I was going to start having it every day. I started drinking more of it as more of my senses were coming back to life.

“What is this?” I asked drinking it like it was water and could feel my hands start to shake as I kept getting more and more energized.

“A zombie,” Iris replied and I stopped mid sip, one thing that I knew was that someone should never ever have a drink called a zombie, bad things usually happen.

“What?” I asked again more slowly.

“A zombie, three shots of espresso and half a cup of coffee,” This explained why she was vibrating.

I looked down at my drink to find that most of it was gone with only a few sips left and all I could think of was shit. I was going to be like the Energizer bunny on crack in a few minutes before I got in a confined space, not good.

“Isn’t it great?!” She screams out and the few people that were here looked over to see the screaming shaking girl. The cup started to shake in my hands as the caffeine invaded my system and my body was getting very restless with just sitting in one place.

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