Chapter 23- Trying to find you

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Chapter 23

Date: May 4th

Location: Not entirely sure

Time: 12:06 a.m.

“Explain it to me one more time.” Iris demanded and for the first time in the three years that I had known the woman her voice cracked.

After I had picked up Matt I used his cell phone to call and ask where the others were and to meet up with them. Luckily the other car was large enough for all of us to fit in it.

I hopped in it, not answering any of their pressing questions, and just started driving. They kept yelling and wondering what the hell was going on, why Valentin wasn’t with us, where we were going. At the time I couldn’t answer any of it, I don’t think my body could handle it, so I remained quiet.

I finally stopped around 11 at night and we rented a large room at a rundown motel. The screaming started again and then I finally broke and answered all of their questions.

I told them that Valentin was the man who had been chasing after us for the past three years; he was the one who betrayed us. That Lamour was Lockstar and we were just too blind to miss it.

I told them that I called Maria and told her to leave incriminating evidence, making her look like she was the one who betrayed us. I wanted her to look bad so when I confronted Valentin I wanted to whether he would tell me the truth or let Maria take the rap.

I told them everything.

“Tell me again!” Iris screamed and the first tear slid down her cheek.

No one wanted to believe that Valentin was the one who would be the one to stab us in the back. He was there for the longest time in our group, longer than Maria so we had more of a connection with him. It didn’t seem possible that he was the reason why we were always running.

“I’ve told you everything.” My voice was hoarse from screaming. “There’s nothing left to say.”

I still haven’t cried, I could feel it building up in my system, like a dam waiting to burst but nothing ever came out.

How could I have been so stupid?

“There’s everything left to say.” Iris started pacing the small room. “It can’t be him.”

“Why not?” I asked angrily standing up and glaring at her when it was my own self I was furious at. “It is all so obvious, we were absolute idiots to miss it!”

“How the hell were we idiots?” Matt asked.

“All the signs were there, everything pointed to him,” I was losing my breath but I refused to stop. “He knew so much about Lockstar, he knew where to find us. If I was so good at making people drop off the map how did he find us in California?”

They didn’t respond to my questions. We had only been discovered once at the safe house in Oregon and for all I knew Valentin could have directly lead them there.

“Then why didn’t he turn us in?” Fran asked. “When he found us, why didn’t he turn us in right then and there?”

“Because of EHID,” I sat back down on the automan defeated, that’s why he came for us, for me.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Matt asked.

“When I was talking to Lucia she was telling me about all of our weapons that defined us. Mine was EHID and if Lucia and Chris used to work undercover there they might have not known the potential of the device and told them. Can you imagine what Lockstar could do with that device? Valentin stayed with me until he would be able to make me spill.”

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