Chapter 25- Relationships

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Chapter 25


Date: June 2nd

Location: Guardian Base

Time: 10:01 a.m.


“There are feet on levels two and three along with state of the art Schwin security system.” I said into the small microphone.

“English Carter, English.” Owen groaned through the headpiece.

“It’s the moving red lasers.” I replied with a roll of my eyes. “I can only disable them for a minute without causing a glitch in their security system.”

“The world’s best hacker can’t get around Tiger Lily’s security system? Wow.”

“Shut it.” I say mockingly back to him as I see his small form move through their building. “They have a hacker that is almost up to my standards, I would rather play it safe and have you get back then a showdown happening.”

“Alright, alright,” He groaned and I smirked in response.

It hadn’t even been a month and I had already found my grove in this place. After Ian deemed that I was sane enough to work I raced to my new office to try out the new gadgets, I was like a kid in a candy store. Once I got the lay of my station did they have me help some members out on ‘missions’ as Matt gleefully called them. Sometimes I would help them with their identities, other times like this I would be helping them through the building.

It was exhilarating to be doing this type of work, it felt like I was in a spy movie without the constant threat of getting killed. Well I guess I couldn’t say that.

While I was still working on trying to find Levi I wasn’t in charge anymore, which I had a fit about. Ian claimed that it wasn’t good for my mental health to go back to chasing this man so while I could still look for the man I wasn’t able to make the final call.

Also there was Valentin. No one knew if he would come to kill me or sweep me off my feet and beg for my forgiveness, the second one being Maria’s idea. After everyone found out that Valentin and I were together and then learned his reaction when I found out about him being M.L.A they thought he was coming to kill me, to make sure I wouldn’t tell anyone else.

The Guardians had raced back to the home as soon as we had arrived, or as soon as they had crashed into us. Valentin was long gone but his knife was still stuck in the table right where I had left it.

They gave it to me, saying that it was some type of prize or trophy that I had unmasked one of the greatest criminals in the world, I never wanted to see that thing again. I took it in my office and locked it behind one of the computers bolted to the wall in a secret safe.

While I had gotten over my initial pain there was still a large amount of it that still lingered but I didn’t let it affect my work, there were more important things. However when the Guardians asked me to track him down I had to refuse.

I didn’t know if I would be, as some would call it, emotionally compromised. A large part of me that was hurt still loved the man and if I found out where he was I wouldn’t know if I would reveal his location or not. They needed someone that was unbiased about the situation.

Lastly there was the family situation. I already knew about L.J and she and Ian both told me that my parents were alive but I hadn’t seen any of them yet. All of them were out on their own task or mission, Ian wasn’t kidding when he said the Carter’s were legends. Any difficult task there was and it was a Carter who most likely went.

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