Chapter 17- Tick, tock

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Chapter 17



Date: April 25th

Location: Classified

Time: 12:06 a.m.


I stared at the computer as if waiting for it to give me some type of answer as to what I should do next. They were closing in, well Aurora was closing in, and quickly too, I needed to find a way to prevent her from knowing.

Despite popular belief like L.J and Lucia I didn’t want Aurora knowing who I was. Partially for the fact that I would like to keep my alias hidden, the other being that it wouldn’t help her in her dilemma with Levi.

Levi, god, if there was ever a man that I had wanted to kill more than Michael it would be him. He was a pretentious fool who believed that he was god’s gift to the world; he had everything handed to him. The fact that he also treated everyone around him like they were slaves didn’t help my opinion on him either. I was raised to believe that you had to work for your station, not get it by blood.

The computers screen just glared back at me still giving me no answers. Aurora was getting closer and unfortunately her sister was speeding up the process. I needed more time but I had no idea what to do. For once in my life I had no idea what to do when it came to that measly little hacker.

I sighed quietly. Much like the other people around her I had grown a feeling that I needed to protect her. Maybe it was the deer in headlights look that she always seemed to sport but I couldn’t stand it when someone tried to hurt her, it reminded me too much of how my mother looked when they came.

People thought that I was cruel, that we were cruel, but I thought we were simple thieves compared to what those men had done. They had taken everything that I loved away from me, that cost more than a few diamonds or priceless paintings in my books.

My phone started buzzing and I answered it already knowing who was going to be on the other line.

“Dexter, what do you got for me?” I asked.

“What do you think?” He asks back agitatedly. “You ask me to get information on one of the best hackers in the world; do you think that I would find anything?”

Again I sighed slightly annoyed. It was a long shot but Dexter was the closest thing we had to a hacker after our last one was ‘fired.’ The fact that I asked an amateur to find a pro was ridiculous but I was growing desperate, I couldn’t let her find out about me.

I made a plan, they were my specialty and 98.7% of the time they worked flawlessly. Other times like these they didn’t.

“Keep an eye on her, I want to know where she’s going before she does.” I hang up the phone before he can say another word and push my hair back already feeling stress melt into my skin.

How long would I have before my world crumbled?

I planned for everything, for every moment in my life and it always worked out well for me in the end. Now with this upcoming crisis I didn’t know what to do. I was thrown a curve ball and well I suck at baseball.

Some might call me melodramatic for thinking that way but after seeing what they did to Michael I have no idea what she would do to me. I would sooner die than go to jail but death didn’t seem like a very appealing option at the moment.

I knew that once she found out who I was, she wouldn’t listen to any explanation of why I did what I did. To her I would always be that person who essentially ruined her life and technically I had. What can I say? That’s business for you.

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