Chapter 28- Unwanted Answers

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Chapter 28

Date: June 7th

Location: Guardian Base

Time: 6:33 p.m.

It was dead silent in the room, no one dared to make a sound as we stared at the man in the room, at Valentin. It was no surprise that basically everyone that was a member of the Guardian hated anyone who was working for Lockstar. Bring in someone who controlled a large portion of the business willingly enter the building than you are going to have a lot of hate and confusion.

“What are you doing here?” I heard Kyle ask as he walked up next to me. He was like an annoying brother at times but when the situation called for it he would protect me. I saw Valentin look between us, something flashed over his eyes before he covered it with a glare.

“Why should I tell you?” His voice was cold but not hateful.

“V,” I said in a weak voice and every muscle in me protested, I should be running far far away from this man. Once he heard me speak his eyes softened and murmurs spread throughout the room meaning everyone had noticed his sudden change. “Just answer the question.”

But he didn’t answer, he just stared at me.

“V,” I started again and stepped forward a fraction of an inch and everyone just watched as I got closer and closer to the predator. After seeing that he wasn’t going to move, I stepped a little closer. “Can you answer me?”

“Make them let me go and I’ll answer anything you want.” He said calmly as if half the room wouldn’t open fire if he made the slightest move to hurt someone.

I looked to Ian seeing as I would have no say when it came to any matters involving this man on the ground, I was, what they called, emotionally compromised.

“No Aura,” He started to say.

“Ian,” With just his name I pleaded and I could see the struggle go on inside him. The hate he had for this man wanted him to lock him up for good but the part that might care for me was nagging against the hate.

Another few beats of silence before he sighed out.

“Let him go.”

The men looked hesitant but otherwise didn’t protest. The first one let go of the left arm slowly, as if to gage his reaction, to see if he would attack, Valentin remained emotionless. Then the second one let go, all at once it seemed that people were holding their breath to see if the VP from Lockstar would make his move.

Valentin stood up slowly and I tensed, trying to hide my fear and excitement, trying to look cool, I had a feeling I was failing miserably. When Valentin stood at full height I noticed how his clothes were starting to hang off of him and I grew a little guilty. Was it because of me he looked so awful?

“First there’s something I want to say.” Even when he looked beaten down and broken his voice still rang out across the room.

“And that is?” Kyle prodded.

“I’m so sorry Aura,” I saw his eyes soften and I just about melted under his gaze. “I’m sorry,” He took a step forward and that’s when someone snapped.

“You son of a bitch!” Someone screamed and the next thing I knew a large figure jumped on Valentin and started to punch him.

The man was in a rage and anyone with a good knowledge of fighting skills, like Valentin, would have been able to get away from him and pin him to the ground in seconds, but he didn’t do anything. He took punch after punch and I noticed how blood began to drip on the floor.

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