Chapter 30- Pick a side

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Chapter 30


Date: June 8th

Location: Holding Cells at Guardian Base

Time: 1:13 p.m.


I could barely utter a word before people started moving into action. The men that were groaning on the floor were quickly put in chains and led away in less than a minute to other cells. Ian came over to me and dragged me away from Valentin’s cell which I had only just realized that I was standing less than a foot away from.

Everything happened in a blur and it wasn’t long until I was on the other side of the room being examined by the doctors here and having my arm torn open a second later. I gritted my teeth while my family and Ian bickered over what the hell happened. Not too long after the person cut my arm open did they pull out a very small chip that blinked every once in a while signifying that it was working.

So they weren’t bluffing. Shit.

“What do we do now?” I hear my sister ask.

“Stay here and make a stronghold.” My father replied. “We’re safe as long as we don’t leave.”

“Safe?!” L.J asks incredulously. “They know where we are, five of their men broke in, how are we safe?”

“Because we know where they’re going to strike next.” I replied standing up after the person finished wrapping my arm in gauze after stitching it up, they were amazing like that. “We have the home field advantage. Set up a couple of cameras here and there along with some motion detectors we’ll know where they are and get to them before they can ever get to us.”

“And how are you confident that will work?” My mother questions, not to contradict me but to help further along my explanation.

“Because Levi trains all of his men to be quiet and to never reveal anything,” I stated. “Even if his men were caught he would never believe that in the heat of the moment their cockiness would make them reveal that I still had a chip in me. If I keep it activated and in the same area there is no reason for him to suspect anything has gone amiss.”

“And you’re sure about this?” Ian asks, always cautious.

“She’s right.” Valentin spoke up. “Lesson 101 in Lockstar training never reveal anything to your opponent even if it looks like a clear win. Richard always believed that no one ever held all the cards in their hands.”

“No one asked you.” Ian spat out and I rolled my eyes at his behavior.

“But he’s right.” My father piped up and it looked like it pained him to do so. “L.J brought him here to help us on matters just like this, who are we to believe that he wouldn’t be telling us the truth?”

“Because he’s the V.P. of Lockstar,” Ian stated in a matter that was very similar to my own when I previously uttered those words.

“People change,” I say softly thinking back to my meeting with Rebecca who seemed to believe that no one could change, not after they enter this life.

“Not people like him.” It was becoming harder to cooperate with Ian, he hated Valentin with such a passion that no matter what I said or did would have him change his mind.

“Maybe we should change our venue,” My mother interjected before people started arguing with one another and used the weapons that were strewn across the floor to use. “I don’t doubt that there are more agents and I certainly don’t doubt that they will try and attack here again.”

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