Chapter 7- Everybody Hides Something

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Chapter 7


Date: April 9th

Location: Condo

Time: 2:28 p.m.


I squeezed the phone so hard in my hand that I thought it would break into pieces but it remained strong. I closed my eyes and tried to keep the contents of my stomach down while trying to regain composure. My heart was starting to slow its pace and my palms were becoming less sweaty but that didn’t mean I was any less terrified.

In a way this was ironic, the first contact I have had from anyone in my old life appears and now someone’s blood was smeared across my wall.

But whose was it?

Getting back into my old habit wasn’t nearly as hard as I thought it would be, I thought part of me would resist but I relented easily. I opened my eyes and slowly stood up making sure I wasn’t about to faint and chastised myself lightly for being so weak at that moment.

Another deep breath and I looked at the rich cherry blood that was only now starting to darken which meant that whoever wrote it did it very recently. I hear a creak behind me and before I think I twist around and throw it at the person half expecting it to be Valentin.

I was wrong.

A blonde man smiled cockily at me and looked to where my pocketknife had embedded itself in the wall barely an inch away from him. I was screwed now and I could only hope that Valentin showed up soon or I could get to a weapon quickly.

“Touchy.” He said in a smooth voice that had a hint of a New York accent in it. He took a few steps forward, standing tall with his hands in his pockets. I wanted to step back but instead swallowed my fear and stood a little straighter. “And stupid.”

“Who are you?” I ask keeping the trembling out of my voice.

“Oh didn’t dear Vivi mention me?” He asks in a mocking voice patting his heart and I saw a hint of ink behind his long sleeve shirt and my face paled. “So you do know me.”

“You’re Levi.” I stated more than questioned and his smile widened to show unnaturally white teeth. “What are you doing here?”

I try to start buying time, from what Kathy told me today and Valentin’s reaction when he heard the man’s name, this man could kill me before I took another breath. For now he looked stable but I knew how quickly people could change.

“To see you of course,” He replied walking over to my bed and plopping down on it before taking out a cigarette from his coat pocket. “Got a light?”

“Why?” I asked disregarding his earlier question. He found his own light and lit up the cigarette filling my room with the silky smoke that floated down my throat.

“Well,” He said letting out a slow stream of the gray smoke. “Valentin isn’t really working with me.”

“And how am I supposed to help?” I ask crossing my arms putting a small barrier between him and my heart.

“Because the boy is in love with you,” He replies taking another long drag and offers it to me.

“I don’t smoke.” I say tightly. “And why do you think that?”

“Cause that’s all Lyla could talk about when she found out he hadn’t taken the shot, she said it was the only reason.” Another long drag and the smoke was starting to make it hard to breathe in here.

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