Dream 159

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Dream #1
[Poor Peasant]

I was in a group, we're traveling. It had famous people in it, me being the least famous. I didn't mind tho, since the only popularity I've had was because I'm friends with one of them.

The reason I'm traveling with them is because I like to go on adventures. We went to this building where only the rich and noble can enter. I didn't even have money on me.

I wanted to go to the toilet but they were separated between male, female, poor male, and poor female. Obviously I chose Lady peasant, but I can't find it anywhere. I went to a couple floor before founding one.

It looked terrible but I have no other choices. After I was done I heard a conversation outside that I had to pay 5k rupiah at the desk for using the toilet. Usually it's just 2k. It's even worse that I don't even have 500 on me.

I panicked. But the desk lady, who was playing with her phone not caring about anything, saw me and was nice enough to let me go after I cleaned the toilet. Anything to not get hunted for sport I guess.

Then, I woke up.

Dream #2
[The Woes of an Extra Character]

I was stuck in a building with a group of my friends. It's one of those sadistic haunted mansion that tortures humans to get some entertainment out of them.

Unfortunately, I was not the main character. It's the barbie look a like Mary Sue girl. She's naive, dumb, with an equal sized luck. It's even more terrible that we have that cool and quiet main male character who wears black hoodie looking like an assassin and is somehow athletic, with the same amount of luck as Mary Sue but not enough to give him a strong mentality, somehow swayed by the words of a goddamn demon.

The demon gave us a Riddle. I can't remember the exact one but it goes
"Find the way out in the basement
Mix blue and green with red"
Not so much of a Riddler I suppose.

But I already knew the story. The main man's gonna get the blue rose and blend it then put it into a small bottle. This happened during a platform puzzle that I don't want to do in the future.

We looked for other exits but they were none. Everything had a bar blocking the way. We're stuck.

The prophecy happened but the difference is that I followed main guy while he was doing parkour. Mary Sue found an extra life in the shape of a floating rubber duck. Of course.

Me and main man got to the blue rose. He blended it and boiled it, put it in a small bottle, and chose a bag to put it into. He was already using a bag but it's small and I pointed to an egg shaped bag that's transparent. He agreed with me.

But as I was giving the bag to him, I got stabbed by the demon's claw in the heart. I died where I stood. The main male looked petrified seeing his friend died.

I died for main man's character development.

Then, I woke up.

Dream #?
[Pleasing The King]

There was another dream that included ice. I remembered the ice part because I can feel the watery of the cubes, the smoothness and slippery, but not the coldness. It didn't hurt my hand with its cold.

Another part of the dream was there was a new king that replaced the queen in this game I played. I tried so hard to be friends with him in game. We hunted and had conversations.

The last part of it was watching the tournament with the king. Two men were fighting, one with a magun (magic gun) and another with double swords. One of them lost but I can't remember which.

Then, I woke up.

Dream #3
[Deadly Game of Tag]

I was traveling with the famous people group again, but this time, I had my brother with me. Again, I was just having fun. We went into this mall and in our group we had pewdiepie.

When it was leaked that pewds were going to this mall, it went viral. When we get into the mall, the mall was empty. Everybody hoarded everything. They emptied the mall. Pewds just started his vlog in a defeated sigh.

Me and my brother had to carry small bags of the famous people's stuffs. They went to the toilet and we're doing nothing so okay. Pewds came out first and when he did, there's this mall cop that's very big.

He reminds me of gumshoe from Phoenix ace attorney, but somehow bigger. He demanded that he wants to check our stuff. We put stuffs on the ground and mall cop wanted to confiscate them.

Hell no. I grabbed many things and run before getting tackled to the ground. He was friendly I guess since he found it cute that I ran away from him. I joked around before "playfully" took the tablet and camera and ran again.

I went down one floor before he tackled me again. He said he realized my running rhythm and was able to guess where I'll be based on that. He took the tablet and the camera but I hid my phone that looked like a compact powder case in my pocket.

He was still smiling and laughing when he yelled to give him my phone.


I somehow changed my shoe into roller blades and went for it. I went down many floors and lost sight of him. On the second one I descended to, people recognized me. The third one, I saw my friend ocha and called out to her, called her the great lady in Indonesian "nyonya besar".

As I got closer to the bottom floor, I saw two male agents. They were Korean. The saw me too and followed me. They walked tho so I didn't see them anymore.

I reached an empty floor that's pretty low but mall cop somehow got to me. He was very close behind me. I leaped down the stairs again only to be hit with his giant hand like a damn bug.

My body was thrown down the stairs and hit the lower floor. I slid before coming to a stop. His hit didn't hurt but hitting the cement walls and tiled floors sure did.

I felt pain in my dream again.

My body was on the ground, facing it. My head got a bit twisted and was facing my right. I saw sprayed blood on the floor and small pools of it. I also saw a blood trail leading to me.

But that's weird. I'm breathing. I can still breathe. I'm feeling my breathing as my chest went up and down against the floor. I can blink too. I blinked many times.

The mall cop disappeared.

The two agents finally caught up to me. They started their own closing narrative.

"It was a gruesome murder. A typical basement type murder. The only thing I gotta hand it to him (the murderer) is the mental impact he gave."

I laid there, blinking silently. A giant pool of blood forming under me. I felt the cold blood seeping into my clothes, touching my ear and left shoulder.

Then, I woke up.

I can still feel the coldness of the blood on my shoulder and the pain on my head and neck. My clothes are dry. I was facing the ceiling.

Dream LogOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora