Dream 131

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Dream #1
[Too Much Harvest Town]

I was a little lady building up my manor. It was basically like harvest town, and there was also capture targets. I remember one of them being my brother.

He's the nice onii san type with shaggy black hair. He was bringing a doll for me when I went past him.

Then, I woke up.

Dream #2
[Flower lady Came Back]

I was at school when the bell rung. It was recess I believe. The boys and [Blue Rose] went to the canteen as I stayed in class for a while. I don't remember what I did, maybe it has something to do with drawing. When I was done, I went downstairs too.

The school was different. It was dark and green. The hall was kinda cramped and look like a guild/reception hall. It was packed with students that seemed to took the bell as a sign to go home. Some asked other students if it was time to go home.

I got stares, more specifically, from a girl that look like a mean girl, from the middle of the crowd. It didn't bother me, but it was weird.

I saw that [Blue Rose] was fixing the speaker by climbing up a ladder. I went past him and saw a group of seniors, one of them being [Flower Lady] .

As always, I ran there and surprise hug [Flower Lady]. But at one point caught Priscilla senior's sleeve. I apologized and said "I was going for this one!" as I lift her up to my shoulder. She screamed. She was light and soft.

Then, I woke up.

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