Dream 137

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Dream #1
[First Degree Murder By Jealousy]

I was going home from work. I remember wanting to go to CFC to buy some fast food and went there only to past it. I remember being alone in the car, but when I got off, I was with 2 girls.

One acts like a subordinate/young relative and the other was transparent and not significant. We walked to a fast food restaurant only to be stopped by a man.

After I saw the girls screamed, my vision went black. But I can hear him. He said something... I can't remember it... I think he was threatening me.

He said he was jealous of something that I had. I heard two gunshots and felt two vibrations on my chest. My vision cleared again, and I saw that man's face.

He had a face driven by jealousy. Black messy hair, wearing a trench coat. He looked like a Korean actor. His nose on his white skin was red from the cold weather.

After I realized I was shot, I woke up.

I wonder if he was the assassin? It had almost the same pattern... Did he had a makeover?

Dream #2

I don't remember the second dream... I think it has something to do with an old man? Or my mom? Maybe about school?

[Reverse Cinderella]

I was manning the counter. Suddenly, Awir senpai and his mom came by. I was surprised. My mom was there too. Awir teased me like he always did.

Around him are auras(?) of Marigold. His mother too. After that, they left, but awir left his shoe. It was a business man type of shoe. My mom told me to chase him and give it back but all I had was a bicycle and he went on a motorcycle.

Then, I woke up.

Dream #4
[Unfinished Game]

I was in playing a video game. The developer said that the game was not finished and is still in demo. Even so, I played it. It's a virtual reality type and I had to dive into the game.

I played several levels until I came to a level in the Amazon forest. The background was just hues of blue with several trees. The Amazonians were asking for help and I helped them. The chief was kinda cute I guess and at the end, I met a train.

The people freaked out, the chief started to speak in codes "ur/heelp us." something like that.

Then, I woke up.

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