Dream 126

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Dream #1
[Reminiscing Before Leaving]

I was dead. Me and my friends were about to move on to the afterlife. A teacher/guide was explaining something and we were in this old building that's all Grey with bare cement..

My friends were listening to the guide but I wanted to go somewhere first. So I got up and went up a set of stairs. Salsa followed me too since she's also bored.

I went up to the surface to see a small alley with a row of houses. All of them look ordinary but very neat and tidy. I thought to myself on how diligent the house wives were.

Salsa was talking about her boyfriend when she asked why I went strolling. I stopped in front of a house that has pots of roses. I approached a row of blue roses.

All of them have large white spots, Making it look less blue and more white. I smiled while I stared at it. I got up and said that I'm going back. Salsa followed me back.

She asked what happened to my blue and I jokingly said that I lost him. She went quiet for a while until I told her I was joking. We went down the cement stairs and went back to our group that's still sitting on the floor.

When I got back, Rehan had sit next to the stairs and Mozza sits across him with her friends. They were surprised to see me came out of nowhere. All of them have halos.

Mozza asked me how come she didn't hear me walked in and I said that I just don't make sounds when I walk. I look for a place to sit down.

Then, I woke up.

Dream #2

I was in [Heart]'s school. I visited her and she told me she had to go to the mosque and pray. I followed her even though I had no intention of praying.

Everyone was already in line and it was packed. I accidentally still wore my brown sandals inside and tried to put it away by tucking in through a hole to the outside.

I looked back to [Heart]. But I saw a vision of a dark attic with a man standing alone. He looked sad and lonely. Then, I was back to the original dream.

She was surrounded outside by two mean girls. Obviously, I'm livid and immediately rushed to her. They said mean things to me too but I didn't listen and they tried to grab me.

I fling that girl and slammed her to the ground and the other followed. I grabbed [Heart]'s hand and ran with her. I looked back to see if I had killed them, I didn't.

Then, I woke up.

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