Dream 140

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Dream #1

I was at school. Mrs. Marni called me to the front of the class and sat me down on a chair under a white sunlight. She told me how beautiful I was.

Then, I saw the class went into chaos and they all scream and shout "holy shit! She's beautiful!" I even saw [Blue Rose] screamed and hide his face under the tables. I was confused, I thought I was kinda pretty, but not that pretty. Maybe it was because I washed my face?

Mrs. Marni massages my face while I play with my cheeks. They all still freak out.

Then, I woke up.

Dream #2

... I don't remember the dream. I remember there being kingdoms, and a lover separated...? An angkot, a man left a bag and I had to return it? A mission on the map, to the cold kingdom?

I remember a man fell in love with me. But something was off, there was something wrong that makes me think it was stupid to do everything for him. That I rather do that for Ara.... I was evil... Bad....

The man had long red hair... Alien boyfriend...?

I also vaguely remember there's Citron from A3!.

Then, I woke up.

Dream #3
[Disgusting Him]

I was at a school. I don't remember how or why, but I was chasing my ex and his friend, hafizh. Up the stairs, down the stairs. After a long run, I finally got him.

I got him by the hoody. I slammed him down to the floor. Hafizh escaped and went through a white light. My ex chuckled and said he's happy that I caught him. He went all cheezy.

I got disgusted and said that he can kiss my feet and he said he'll gladly do it. I said I meant I was gonna kick him, but he still laughed. I remember the feeling of his buzz cut hair.

Then, I woke up.

Gosh, I'm so mean in my dreams now. I wonder if it'll change again?
I wonder when I'll have a lucid dream...

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