Dream 99

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Dream #1
[Nightmare: The Movie]

I was in front of the school building from the front entrance. Apparently there's a demon and sure enough I saw it and it ran to the field.

She looked like the demon nun from conjuring and when she reappear, she was escaping by driving a red scoopy. I was surprised and felt like it was weird and then I saw in front of me another nun. But she wears all white.

The lady looks old and I think her name was Theresse or something. She said that she needs the demon's picture to exorcize the demon.

I said that I don't have it but I can Google it. So I did and sure enough I found the demon's character design and the scene where Saint Theresse and the Demon fought and was surrounded with red mist. It looked like it came from an action movie.

I asked Will this be enough? And she said "Yes, dear" and then she went after the demon. I saw the sky being gloomy so I went in with the refugees (which was around 3 people) and went into this dimly lit room with only one old light bulb and went to sleep.

When I woke up, I became third person. I followed this two small boys who were monks and they went to an elementary school to meet a girl. The girl wore a pink hanbok and has the Chinese goddess hair style(?). She also had this board thing like the roof of a kebab stall that has her name on it. I thought it was Toki or Toka but it was ともチャン. It also had peaches design.

The boys then went down to their own board that had their faces on it. The oldest look like Kyle and the other look like chibi Karl (OCs) . They then went with this man that's their teacher of sorts and rode a horse carriage.

On their way they went into this open field and one of the boys saw another carriage. The carriage fell but the horse still running. The people fell while the carriage was dragged across.

The people in the boy's carriage multiplied with two more boys, a girl, and a couple of husband and wife. They all wore winter jackets with the couple wore pink and blue.

The horses closes in and was face to face with the children. The monk man casted barrier. Then, Naruto's teacher (I forgot his name, it's not jiraya) looked back looking horrified.

The barrier popped and one of the five horses bit one of the winter boy's head, lifts him up while in chase, and smashes it with its teeth. The blood spew everywhere and the monk boys were shocked.

Then, I woke up.

Dream #2
[Deja Vu Forrest]

I was a merchant man. Me and my group met with a party of adventures(?) and went to investigate something deeper in the woods.

I left the carriage and looked for that thing when I realized I have been there before. No, I've did that before. I immediately rushed back to the carriage and sure enough, it was gone.

An assassin dressed like a ruffian with brown hair and reddish-brown eyes said

"You've grasped it (deja vu[?]) now, huh?"

... A brown haired assassin?

Then, I woke up.

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