Dream 62

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Dream 62

I was enrolling into a school that sukma wants and there's a rumour that the principal likes to do a "do this" game and if you failed, you die.

Me and my other friend was determined to bring him down, so we went to the game (we have to) and do it. At this big auditorium, there's a big parting glass and inside was a throne and he was sitting there.

The principal has a brown long hair loosely tied at the middle, sharp brown eyes, and white skin. Sure enough, at the first command, many people failed and they all fainted. I was doing great and allowed to leave while my friend is still have to stay.

I went in class and see 2 girls watching a korean something (BTS probably) on their phone. I hide behind my chair when the bell ringed and many people went in. "i guess he didn't kill them for now" i thought.

I went to the male's bathroom (guess I'm gender neutral in this dream cause i feel like a man but not quite. Basically me on everyday life but everyone knows and understood) (I think I'm Felix in this dream).

In there, the principal was washing a bottle when this big dad body, thick mustache, small eyes, blacksmith looking man comes in. "I knew you were going to kill them" he said. "that's none of your business" the principal said. They were then yelling at each other and started to actually fighting.

I left and went straight to the teachers lounge and try to say it to a teacher. Turns out it was already wide spread because apparently, there's another student that saw it happened.

A girl was going to tell the teacher but she was stuttering. "I'll do it" I said. "Felix..." she said as if she was somehow saved. I told her everything and I asked who the other man was and the teacher said "Oh, that is his husband". We were very shook.

The next day, we went on a field trip. We went to this side of town where it looked like a place where me and andhyka always go, we even said it to each other (this is a deja vu). Then the principal said that the building next to us belongs to a legend. She was a creepy person and probably died in there.

We then climb this steep hill when i see the principal yelling at his students next to his husband. They climb it together when me and my friend was climbing. The husband got to the top along with my friend but the principal is still climbing next to me. He slipped and almost fell when I side stepped behind him and hold him with my leg while still clinging to the hill. Everyone panicked but he was able to get on top. His ass was very soft and fluffy and got me thinking "Why is it so soft?! "

At the top I saw pink roses and next to them were bule roses. I accidentally picked one and immediately stabbed it back to the ground. I saw an array of pink and blue roses when the some of the blue ones turned pink. I was touching them.

Then I woke up.

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