Dream 86

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I was home from school. We are going to have a big exam. It went with 2 categories, exam and serious exam. Serious exam is just asking about your data like your bio, height, etc.

We were busy over it and I had a headache and went home. I forgot my bag at school, and realizes it when I tried to find my laptop.

I told my dad and he said "Poor you, come on let's get it" and my mom came out and get me ready and put on this raincoat/jacket on me and gave me a butcher knife and said "in your serious exam, put in (???) and put in your measurements in 10-10-10."

I thought it was her being all like 'cover up' thing and then I said "okay".

I went out and was going to lock the gate when the gate did something and I was like 'huh, okay' and then I hop on behind dad. It was just done raining and everything seems foggy and blue ish. We were on our way.

Then, I woke up...

Then I saw green.

I was delivering something while visiting Clarissa in her apartment. The apartment was white/beige on the outside but green on the inside.

I was with my brother and he was being noisy as always. We went into the apartment. It was like a maze, and I kept getting lost.

I finally got there and drop the thing there. Clarissa's mom (that doesn't look like her mom) gave me a thai tea(?) and said "thank you".

We left but then I remembered the other reason why I came and went back. But for some reason, the outlay changed and I couldn't find the right room.

I opened the one to my right to find Mrs.Lina being sick and then she said "You should go to school by now." with Ferdi sitting on the floor against a wall looking bored. He's probably waiting for her, for whatever reason.

The me in the dream finally got irritated and grumbled "The hell? Did the outlay changed?" and then, it went back to normal and I went to the room to find no one and decided to go to school.

My brother changed to [Blue Rose] and I was pulling him around because we are going to be late. I asked why didn't he just go to Clarissa's place by himself since his house was really close to hers. But he didn't answer.

When I got to my bike, I woke up.

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