Dream 109

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[Supernatural Investigator]

I was an investigator. Though I have no clue what's going on. I was in 3rd person view. I went in to this big mansion with vast field all around it.

I was called because there was a specter/something paranormal and I needed to get rid of it. There was this virgin mary fountain and it looked amiss. The spectre ran away to the tea party at the open field and I chased it.

My character turned into a Billie Eilish-look-a-like that was wearing a tuxedo and a white sash that allowed her to fly. She chased it and it went into another virgin mary fountain.

The head then started to levitate, pushed up by a powerful stream of water, and then it got flung far away. It was a spectacle.

Turns out I was watching from a laptop and I called my mom to watch it, but when the scene came, her eyes were covered with a red blindfold.

Then, I woke up.

(Dream #1)
[Late Demon]

I was lost with my family. There was me, grandma, cousin, mom, and aunt Ati. We were guarding this creepy ass girl. We got stranded in the middle of a desert and there was only a house standing alone.

We went in, and the house was sand free, but the ladies decided to sweep anyway, and I decided to help. The girl dissappear somewhere. When we were sweeping, there was a lot of sand and we gathered it at the house's center.

But then, the dream got altered.

The dream got rewind a few seconds, when I saw the sand gather. Behind one of the ladies, a decapitated head rolls, spreading blood everywhere. I think it was the girl's.

Then, I saw a demonic boy, looking like he was going to pounce at me. And the head stared at me too. I was thinking "nope, too late, the dream's already finished."

Then, I woke up, a little bit stiff and numb.

Dream #2
[Running To School]

I was going to school with Sindy. We were going to walk there, but in the middle, we saw Anggita and Ike on a bike. So we decided to race them by running.

We ran so fast, by the time I looked back they were already so far away. We ran on a wet road with many puddles and slippy muds. The air was cold as it breezes past us.

We went through big roads, small passages, mud covered and full asphalt roads. I saw Sindy laughing too.

Then, I woke up.

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