Dream 108

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[Pirate Mission]

I was going to pirate a game. Either that, or emulate it to a computer. I went on an adventure to find the emulator, and found it in this building.

I went in and went into this empty room. But there's an npc and a strange machine. I asked the npc about how to do it, when I realized he was Jacksepticeye. He told me that I needed to reach into the machine and flip a switch.

So I put my hand into the middle part of it which was shining in yellow and feel around until I flipped the switch. He complemented me, saying that it took him several tries. But then, the place crashed like a game.

I was spawned outside of the room, when I walk in, there was a giant monitor with a game screen menu. It seems to be a combat game with fire in the background and several buff male characters.

I looked for the machine, but it wasn't there. Inside the menu tho, at the bottom left corner was a redeem code button. I pressed it and the room changed with a blackout-like transmission. The machine appeared again in the middle of the room. I walked towards it to emulate my game.

Then, I woke up.

I distinctly remember seeing my mom and she was trying to persuade me to something. And also me fiddling with empty bullets, most of them golden, with a few silver. They felt cold.

Dream #2

I was transferred into another school. My school no longer existed and me and my friends had to transfer. But for some reason, we have to start from scratch. We can choose which grade we can go to, but for whatever reason, I was in kindergarten. I remember Rifaldi being in elementary.

But the people in the kindergarten was also teenagers like me, and they don't like me. They bullied dream-me and was having fun at it too. I got sad and Depressed™ but didn't even try to retaliate.

We did an assignment and everyone was laughing at me for whatever reason. Then, the teacher was handing it out when I realized that my name wasn't there. I look for it while everyone was laughing. I saw Ferdi's name and others but that didn't matter.

I woke up several times but immediately went in to the dream while looking for it. There was someone who was apparently my friend and when I was awake for how-many-time, I said to myself "wait, why didn't I beat the shit out of them like I always did?"

So, I went in again, turned evil, and grabbed a random(?) paper and smirked. The friend was like "what's wrong?" and I said along the lines of "It's only about to get started".

Maybe whoever made the dream like that realized that real-life-me was now involved. Because when I said that line, I woke up and was unable to enter the dream again.

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