Chapter 106

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TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter envolves matters that can be sensitive for some, please proceed with caution!


8 months flew by.

Ana was making a lot of friends at school and at the weekends would play at her godfather's house, Deaky. Lee started painting in order to make the days pass faster so she could be with her daughter by night.

After driving Ana to school, in an unusual hot day of May, Lee got home and decided to take a shower so she could fresh up. During the shower, Lee felt a strange ball on her left breast that was followed by smaller balls all the way to her armpit. Just as a precaution, she decided to go to the hospital.

At the end of several exams and appointments, the worse was revealed.

I'm so sorry Lee... Maddie said.

Lee's mind flew away as Maddie described what was going on inside her body. It was cancer. Breast cancer. And apparently it was at an advanced state where it was already spread to her lungs and was really close to her heart.

Lee? Are you listening dear?

No. She replied.

Why didn't you come to the hospital sooner, darling? It would be easier to cure it then!

I didn't noticed anything wrong...

Lee was just paralysed. Seated straight in her chair. She was only capable of thinking of her daughter and her parents. She relived herself playing in her backyard back in Watford, her mother swinging her in the swinger, her dad playing ball with her. Lee was happy she would see them in a short time. She also relived memories from Ana running through the strawberries field in Scotland, peaking the smallest ones and bringing them to her. Lee was sad she would leave her little strawberry without someone to love her like she does.


Lee didn't know how, but she was able to go pick up Ana from school.

Mama, you okay? Ana's squeaky voice echoed through the kitchen.

Baby, mama needs to talk to you... Ana stood straight on her small chair. Mama has a little ball growing inside her.

Can I play with it?

No, baby... This ball is evil and is growing... Ana was trying to follow what her mother was saying. Soon, you'll need to stay at Uncle John's house, darling, because mama... Lee swallowed her tears. Will have to move into grandpa's house in heaven!

Can I visit you? Lee sniffed.

No baby, not now... but eventually!

Lee hugged the little girl with all her strength for a while.

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