Chapter 57

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August 1978

It was Deaky's 27th birthday and Veronica decided to throw him a party with the closest friends in their backyard.

Lee hesitated a little about going because she would see Roger and Dominique.

They broke up over a year and half ago and Lee was dating Dyrk now, but it was still really hard thinking about Roger.

Their relationship was really intense and long. She couldn't forget 5 years of history in a snap of a finger.

Nevertheless, Lee decided on going, because it was Deaky's birthday after all.


Happy birthday!!! Lee shouted as soon as Deaky opened the door.

Thank you! And thank you for coming!

Of course!

Come in!

Deaky guided her to the backyard where Robert was playing in a sandbox, Veronica was feeding the baby Michael and Brian and Chrissy were seated by a table with their newborn, Jimmy.

Here is your gift!

You shouldn't have! Deaky said with a high voice.

It was nothing...

Deaky opened the little bag and take out a leather strap for his bass.

I hope you like it! Your old one is so worn out... I figured you'd needed another one!

Yes! I love it!

I'm glad! If you turn it to this side, you can see it has your initials swon in gold!

Wow, fancy! He laughed. Thank you so much Lee! Come say hi to the others!

Lee greeted everyone and seated next to Robert playing with him when the bell ringed. Deaky got up and went to the door. A couple of minutes after, Lee saw the blonde drummer going through the door framing with Dominique in his arm.

He had cutted his golden locks and now his hair was significantly shorter. Lee knew he had changed his hair because of the paparazzi shots that appeared on the papers and because of a solo performance he made the year prior on the tely.

Hello everyone! Roger said. Lee's heart sank.

Roger and Lee didn't really spoke all evening, only the minimum.

By 10:30pm, Veronica and Chrissy putted the kids to sleep while the rest stayed outside chatting.

Oh! I forgot to give you your present! Mary do you mind? Freddie asked. Mary opened her purse pulling out a small box and giving it to Deaky.

Wow, how generous Fred! Brian joked.

Fuck off! Open it darling!

Deaky opened it revealing a pair of sunglasses with silver linings.

Thank you...! Deaky was confused.

Now you can storm off to Bali whenever you want, you've got your sunglasses ready!

Everyone laughed.


It passed midnight, and the group was still seated by a table chatting.

Veronica started to clean the table when suddenly Roger and Lee were left alone in the backyard. The tension could be sliced with a knife.

So, no boyfriend tonight! Roger said.

Yeah... Lee responded shortly.

Was he busy?

Yes, he was... Lawyers stuff!

Oh I see! He paused. I heard you sold the house...


I was a little surprised to be honest...

Why? She frowned her eyebrows.

You used to like that house so much and the first opportunity you have, you sell it!

Are you mad?

No, I'm not it's just—

So it's none of your business!

Roger looked at Lee with his eyes wide open.

Well, I did buy the house so... He laughed. It kinda is my business!

Oh really? Lee smiled to him. The last time I checked, you gave me the house and it was under my name so I don't know what are you talking about...

Lee got up and grabbed some plates to take them to the kitchen when she heard Roger saying something under his breath, not understanding it.

Did you say something? Lee asked.

Roger stopped, thought for a second and then said.

Yeah, I did! I said I wished you had told me you were thinking in selling the house!

Oh I'm sorry! I wished you had told me right away you were cheating on me!

Lee spoke without thinking, and regretted opening her mouth right after she finished the sentence.

Oh you wanna go there? You pulled the victim card but right after you went in a fucking spree, fucking everything that moves! Looks like you even fucked that guy Alexander! For what I know, maybe you cheated on me first!

Roger was standing up by now, confronting Lee's face.

You really are a piece of shit! Lee rose her voice.

What is going on here? Veronica said appearing in the backyard.

The night we broke up, you were dying to run in to her arms! You couldn't even wait for me to move out, you brought Dominique right in!

Guys let's calm down! Deaky said after Veronica called for him to help.

Everyone was by the door frame watching the scene Roger and Lee were making.

Why are you complaining? I gave you a mansion! Bitches do be crazy... He laughed.

Lee lost her temper and through the glass full of water she had on her hand at Roger, causing the cup to break on him and wetting him.

You disgust me! I can't believe I waste 5 years of my life on you, you piece of shit!

Lee grabbed her purse and apologise to Deaky and Veronica.

He is your problem now... She said while passing by Dominique.

Dominique was perplexed but when the door slammed she ran to Roger to help him with the broken glass and the water.

Why did we left these two alone... Freddie said smoking his cigarette.


bitches do be crazy!!!!!!!!!!!11

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