Chapter 101

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By August 1995, Lee returned to modelling so she could make de ends meet. At the end of the month, an advertising campaign was realised by Vichy for a revolutionary antiaging cream, and Lee was the face of it.

In September, Lee treated her and her daughter a vacation on a small yacht.


"Grieving at the sea.

Nine months after the passing of her husband, Leslie Saints was photographed on a yacht all alone with her little girl, Ana Ray. Leslie modelled on the 70s all the way until the 80s before she retired from it and eloped to the countryside of Scotland, but this year she returned as the face of Vichy, and now she seems to be relaxing on a yacht around the Mediterranean Sea.

As you know, a name that this very associated with Leslie is the drummer of Queen. The band seem to be preparing an album with the final recordings of the late Freddie Mercury, that passed away in 1991 from AIDS. Roger Taylor was seen in the South of France with his lovely family for some deserving vacation, not far away from here Leslie is.

Maybe now that Leslie's husband as passed away, she can finally revealed that her daughter is actually Rogers daughter."

Why are these people always sticking their noses where they don't belong? Deaky was livid.

It's kinda their job... Brian said.

The two were at their studio in Montreux arranging some details of their upcoming album, Made in Heaven.

No! Their job is to report information, not speculate on peoples private life... The bassist throw the magazine on the bin.

I know John... But listen, don't you think it too?

Deaky stayed in silent.

Ana looks... a little bit like... Roger, but that doesn't mean anything!

No, it does not, but if you had seen them in Austria that night... it didn't shocked me if something had happened and Ana resulted from it! Brian sipped on his tea.


Leslie said Outer Banks babyyyyyy, also pretend that is not that many people on the boat of the cover

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