Chapter 21

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December 30th, 1972

Lee and Roger just parked outside of Roger's family house.

Lee? Roger said with his hand on her knee, snapping her out of her thoughts. Are you ready?

I don't know... She showed a little smile.

C'mon, my mum is not as scary as your dad calling me young man!

They laughed.

Yeah but... I wanna cause a good impression! What if your mum and sister don't like me...

I highly doubt that! You are the most incredible person I've ever knew! Not liking you would imply not having a heart!

Roger, you are kinda obliged to think that since you are my boyfriend!

Oh no, believe me! If you were a shitty ass person, I've never even had gone to your flat after we met!

Lee looked at him and remembered the night they had met. His ocean-like eyes staring at her soul, ensuring her that everything is going to be okay.

Lee! She snapped again out of her thoughts. C'mon! Let's face the beast!

That definitely doesn't make me feel better!



Roger! My baby! They hugged for a bit.

Mother... This is Lee! My girlfriend! Roger showed her off.

Hi Mrs. Taylor!

Oh, please dear, call me Winifred!

Later that day

So, that's when Rogie there jumped out of nowhere and scared our granny out! She was livid with him! But he always had a way with the ladies, so he managed to not get into trouble...

Clare! Stop embarrassing me, you little shit!

Roger! Language! Winifred said entering the room.

C'mon Roger, I know you are a lady's man! Always knew!

Did he told you about one time when he was in The Reaction, two of his girlfriends showed up to the same gig? Boy, he definitely didn't get laid that night... Clare stood up and went to the table.

Two girlfriends? Really Roger? Lee wasn't finding that amusing anymore.

Well, it was a long time ago... I would never do anything like that to you baby!

Would you?

Lee got up from the sofa when Roger grabbed her arm.

Lee please, it was in a past life almost! C'mon baby...

We'll talk later...


Lee didn't quite like that last story uh... Maybe this is a omen for the future... Who knows am I right? (Well, I actually do!)

Also, the cover of this chapter *heart eyes* he's such a baby  «3

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